Recruit, Retain, Renew
RECRUIT Most people will not join an organization just
cause. They need to feel that they are wanted. Whether the program is Cub Scouting
or Boy Scouting, or any other activity, new people will not join unless they are invited.
Inviting boys to join a troop or pack is something that should be on-going within the
unit. Boys will not benefit from what you have to offer if they are not there to
participate. Where do these boys come from? Everywhere! Let everyone know that your troop
or pack exists. Contact local churches and schools. Troops should be in touch with all the
packs in the area. Put up posters in the local stores. Publicize your activities in the
local newspaper. Remember KIS-MIF (Keep it secret, make it fail).
RETAIN Okay, now youve gotten those boys into your unit.
How do you keep them there? Program! If your meetings are boring, no one will stay. TV,
video games, sports, all those things, plus much more, are your competition for a
boys time. They need to want to be there. That also means offering a year-round
program. Yes, even in the summer! The summer is when these boys have more time on their
hands and it is the best time to be outdoors. These dont have to be weekly meetings
like are held during the rest of the year, but the unit should be getting together once or
twice a month to do something exciting and FUN! The plus side of a year-round program is
that you are not "starting up" each September, just continuing on.
RENEW What happens to the boys who stop coming to the meetings?
Do we just say "oh, well"? Of course not! We follow up. Why is he not attending?
Is there a problem that can be resolved? Maybe there is a transportation problem, or a
personality conflict between two boys. Those problems can be fixed by the adults in the
unit. Remember that, for the most part, the boys in your unit are dependant on the adults
in their lives to provide them with transportation and funding. If there is a problem
between boys, move them to different dens or patrols. Also help them to resolve these
problems. Scouting is supposed to be teaching boys the skills they will need in their
adult lives. Sometimes though, a boy just doesnt want what Scouting has to offer
him. Dont hound him, accept his decision.