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(3-d logo courtesy of Raindrop)

The BEST Music/Humor I've Found on the Net

Get yourself a cool drink...kick off your shoes....
settle into your chair....crank up the volume

"Listen To The Music"

Just listen to your heart's content and then please
return and sign my guestbook. ~smile~

Be sure to check back often...
I'm ALWAYS out there searching for new material!!!

So, are you ready for some fun?

Just click HERE for the site navigation!
And Remember

Don't forget to sign my guest book please!!!! *smile*

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Over the past few years, I've been impressed with some of the
Midi's I found on the net. I never knew who had composed them
until just recently. A gentleman by the name of Redsal. If
you've ever heard one of his midi's, you'd recognize the style
any where. He's done a really delightful song in RealAudio that's
called Spending My Life Online. It is so clever!!! Just click on the
button below to go and hear it! It'll be worth your journey!!!!

fapledg1.gif (5160 bytes)

A very special "THANK YOU' to Nick
for doing the HTML coding of the alpha bars
and the back buttons between the categories and
for showing me how to make my tables look better.
I know, Nick, I would have eventually figured it out.....
BUT ~cheeky grin~
This was so much nicer (and easier)!!!!! And also,

THANKS for doing the special ribbon banner
on my first JukeBox for me! Your the BEST!

Thank you my friend.

A Special THANK YOU to Lady Dj for creating
my own personalized email. You MUST visit her site.
She has the most stunning backgrounds.
So drop me a note in my personalized envelope!


Email me if the links don't work for you,
or you have a midi/audio/wav file you'd like to share with me.

Background and graphics by:

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