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Here is a list of books that were recommended to me and I think they're worth getting. Just click on the book to go to the order form or try the search box for other titles. If you've already read any of these books please let me know because I would like to put your comments about the books on this page.

"When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden"

"What to Expect when You're Experiencing Infertility"

"Taking Charge of your Fertility is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to get pregnant. It is also great for NOT getting pregnant when you don't want to. This book is all about knowing your body "inside" and "out". Your fertility is more than charting your temperature and it's more than your doctors will tell you (after all, they make $$$ off of our "infertility" treatments). I cannot say enough about this book!"

Thank you Lana for your review. I appreciate the input. :-)

"The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh"

"Winnie the Pooh's A to Zzzz"

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