If anyone is interested, the phone number here is 011-34-95-584-8533 or DSN 722-8533 (right to the house). If it is busy... we are online!
If we are online, go here, to ICQ, and download it so we can connect online! Our numbers for ICQ are: 2731422. This just in, go to FireTalk and we can TALK online! FOR FREE!
Here is Phil's address! Drop him a line to welcome him back to the real world, and to catch up on what it is that a 22 year old does these days!
This week just kind of floated by. I am getting ready for an IG inspection at work, my test for promotion, training my troops and retraining Reserve's as they land and attempt to work for me for their 2 weeks of duty. WHAT FUN that is! NOT... they come in with good ideas, but too much reprograming has to go on to get them to shut their mouth's while they are here and accept the fact that this is the Kingdom of Spain... not a concured country! Once they realize that, they usually stop the stupid questions, but it is usually within a few days of their departure, so I have to train a whole new crew the next time. Oh well, that is work, off time is mine and Cheri and I are gurding it like it was gold! Just need to make it through March 10th and the inspection will be done and my TSgt test will be done and we will just be waiting for visitor's to come and visit!
Cheri is doing good, and is very optimistic about getting restationed in the States. I realize that this is a common theme for the page lately, but we are really missing the "Good O'le USA"!!! She went web surfing today to many Air Force Bases and says that by the time that our "EQUAL" list comes out (that is the list of Bases with openings, not a guarantee though.. comes out in July) she will know a little about EVERY Base that is out there! She is also getting back into her crafts and such. She has about half of a quilt topper done and is getting back into the grove of working on it! Our outlook is good and getting better! We just had a slump, but time is ticking away just fine!
The girls are now playing basketball and they really enjoyed their first games on Saturday. Both of their teams lost the games, but they had fun! There are enough kids to have 3 teams in Chelsea's age, and 3 teams in Carolines age brackets. Not much competition, but they don't really know any different! Would you like to see the girls school pictures for this year? Then just click right here! Chelsea Caroline
I am telling y'all, that FireTalk thing is awesome! Alicia, Kevin Pope, Lance, Sam, Ed&Wanda, Monte and even MY MOM!!! have downloaded it, and Cheri and I are having a blast talking to SOMEONE from our list every day! Yes, that is what I said, every day just by being online! Quit being "chicken" and spend the 5 minutes to download it and set it up, then find us with these numbers: 256586 or just tell me you have it, and what your username is, and I will find you. Click FireTalk and download the program!
If you have missed previous installments, I have added a new page! It will have all the previous week's happening's on it! Go check out previous to get up to date!