My Pregnancy Diary

5/1/02--Today I am 8 weeks 3 days pregnant and I am starting this journal! :-)

So far this pregnancy has been like my others, or maybe a bit worse. I'm sick all the time, night and day. When I'm not nausaus, I have a stomache ache or am totally bloated!

I had my first OB appointment 4/12/02. Everything went good at that appointment and we did all the normal stuff. She mentioned that she would be sending me downtown to the perinatologist at 20 weeks to have my level 2 ulrtasound. After that appointment, I got my bloodwork done. The following tuesday I had an ultrasound done (just a reuglar one done by the regular tech). They determined that my due date was right on track and we saw the heartbeat!

Well, that brings things up to date! I plan to tell the family around Mother's Day, but I'm waiting to tell the girls until after school is out, then they won't feel like the wait is quite so long!

5/17/02--I am now almost 11 weeks. I'm still sick, although I think it is starting to get better. Monday I went to my doctor appt.. We found the heartbeat and it was about 170 bpm. Everything was good. I've lost 9 pounds so far, but that won't last long as I'll probably start gaining when the 2nd trimester starts next month.

I told the family and everyone is happy. The girls still won't know for 4 more weeks.

5/24/02--Well--last week I thought I was feeling better, this week I have felt horrible! I've lost another couple pounds in the last week. The dr. isn't worried though, as long as I'm keeping fluids down.

We told the girls on Wednesday. I decided not to wait because I have been so sick. I figured I may need to tell some people why I'm having trouble keeping up with appointments and things. I thought once I told the girls, then everyone would find out, turns out I was wrong. They havn't mentioned it at all. Brittany's first comment when I told them I was going to have a baby was "Tomorrow???" LOL When we told her not for a long time, she immediatly lost interest and hasn't talked about it since! LOL I figure she'll get more interested later on. They both have expressed thier desire for a baby brother.

6/3/02--13 weeks yesterday!! Well, not much new here. I've still been sick, although I have had a few good days. I even went to the gym today for the first time in over 3 weeks. I've lost 15 pounds, but I'm sure that is going to be turning around soon since I've been eating some more lately. I have my next Dr. appt. on friday.

I found out why Brittany didn't say anything after her initial comment. A few days later I was talking to her and mentioned our baby that we were going to have and she said "yea, maybe someday". Then I realized that she didn't understand that mommy actually did have a baby in her tummy right now! She gets it now though and we have talked about how the baby has to grow alot bigger before it is ready to be born. I told one of my friends finally last week. And Salina told my friend who drove the morning carpool. Then one of the other girls in the carpool told her mom. So, I figure everyone will know in another week! LOL

6/11/02--I had my DR. appt. on friday. Everything went well and looked good. The heartbeat was around 165. I'll go back again in 4 weeks. I should also be having my ultrasound in another 3-4 weeks. The dr.'s office is trying to get hold of the specialist OB who will do my u/s to make the appt.. I guess it is hard to get ahold of the scheduling office. I've been starting to feel better and am eating again. I've even been able to cook meals, although just simple ones that don't require too much food prep..

Evidently, the ladies I told about the baby didn't actually tell anyone, so no one had heard on sunday. I told most of my girl scout moms that I saw last week. Then I told the primary presidency at our meeting yesterday. So, I think we are covered now.

Stuart's dad and brother gave me a blessing for this pregnancy on Sunday. I was blessed that the baby would be healthy and strong and would develop normally. This is exactly what I have been praying for and felt the spirit strongly testify to me that the medications I must take for my seizures will have no ill effects on the baby.

6/18/02--Well, I'm finally feeling human again. Over the last week and a half I have had only one really bad day where I was in bed all day, that was Sunday. I've been able to start exercising again. Last week I went for long walks with Brittany and Duke four days. This week I've been to the gym twice. So, things are looking up! My ultra sound is scheduled for July 1st.

6/25/02--I still feel good as before and am able to exercise regularly again. Nothing exciting happening, we are all eagerly awaiting the ultrasound on Monday at 11:00. That is all for this week.

7/1/02--I'm pretty much staying the same as far as I feel for now. I've been feeling the baby move more frequently all the time.

I had my ultrasound this morning. Looks like we are having another girl. I guess this family is just destined for only daughters. The girls were disappointed, but are getting over it, LOL. I told them that heavenly father decided that he should send us this little girl and that he knew we would take good care of it and that they would be good big sisters for it. Everything looked great with the baby and it is perfect in everything. They said that all the stuff that they look for that can be affected by seizure meds looks great! The baby is measuring good too.

My next appointment with my OB is next monday.

7/8/02--I had my appointment with my OB this morning. Everything looks really good in everyway. There is nothing exciting to report about it! Her heartrate was 150, a great rate!

I'm doing basically the same. No real changes. I feel the baby more frequently, but not strong enough for the girls to feel from the outside yet. That's it for this week.

7/16/02--Well, nothing too different in the last week. Been having alot of round ligament pain. I think from doing alot of housework to get ready for Stuart's grandparents to stay with us. I've also been really tired because of the company we've had and with Stuart's sister's wedding. Now I've come down with a cold. Our company is leaving today, so hopefully I will get to rest for awhile and get over my cold.

8/6/02--I had my Dr.'s appointment yesterday. Everything went well and the baby seemed great. Nothing exciting happened. She gave me the lab papers to get my blood work and my glucose test done before my next appt. which will be on Sept. 3rd.

I can feel and see the baby move from the outside now. However, I have not yet been able to get the girls to feel it, just when I tell them to come feel the baby move, the baby stops moving! LOL Already teasing her big sisters!

9/3/02--Well, things have been going pretty good. I've been getting more tired and sore. The past few days my bachaches that I get with all my pregnancies have started. By night time the only thing that feels good is just to go to sleep. The baby is very active, but her sisters still havn't felt it because she is still doing the thing where she stops moving as soon as they try to feel her.

I had my dr. appt. this morning. Everything went well. I'm still below my prepregnancy weight. My blood tests that were done last week came back good. I'm slighly anemic, so I have to start taking iron once a day. I had that with Brittany too. I got my rogam shot today, which is the shot they give to the moms who are rh-. I measured around 27 weeks, which is normal. That's about it. I don't go back for another 4 weeks, then I start going in every 2 weeks.

9/12/02--Not too much to say this week. The girls activities have resumed in full force, leaving me pretty tired every night. I have been having more frequent contractions at night, particularly when I'm walking around and going up and down the stairs. I'm having lots of back pain as well. I'm trying to just take it easy in the evenings and when I'm resting it is better. I am also using a heating pad for the back pain and that helps alot. I'm trying to monitor my daily activity as well, and not do more than necessary.

9/25/02--I'm still having lots of backpain. I actually went in to get monitored in the middle of the night on Monday. I was having tons of backpain and menstrual like cramping. But I went to bed and slept for a couple hours. Then I woke up cause it hurt so much and I couldn't get back to sleep. Stuart got home around 1:00 am because he had been working late. He got really worried about the pain I was in and because I also felt nausaus and was freezing cold. So, I told him I would go in and get checked (I didn't want to go just because I didn't want to leave the house). Anyway, I drove myself down because I didn't want him to have to get the kids up or wake his parents up or anything. So, they checked my cervix and they said it was fine. Then they monitored me for 2 hours, but everything seems to be ok. I didn't get home until 4 in the morning. I guess I'm glad I went, because at least now I know that even if I have that real bad backpain, and cramping and such, it isn't anything to worry about. I knew that I was not having noticable uterine contractions, but with all the other pain, it was enough for me to want to go in. Now, I just need to figure out something to do about that pain, since a heating pad only soothes somewhat, and tylenol is useless! Well, I think that covers all my aches and pains this week. Next week is my dr. appt..

10/2/02--I had my Dr. appt. today. Everything went well. Things look good. She surprised me by saying that instead of starting to go every 2 weeks now, she would like me to start coming in every week. She said that since we are getting closer to the time when I started having trouble before, she wants to start seeing me every week and checking on how I'm feeling and checking my cervix.

Surprisingly, I have been feeling really good for the last week. The dr. said that sometimes the baby lays on a nerve and then you are in complete agony for awhile, and then they move. Maybe this is what happened, because after 3 weeks of really bad back pain and such, for the last week I've had very little back pain and other pains in that region.

10/11/02--Everything went well at my dr. appt. this week. The baby is still nice and active and I'm feeling relatively good. I go back again on Weds..

10/25/02--I didn't update after last weeks appt because everything was the same. However, last friday I went to a craft fair with Stuart's mom and walked around for a couple hours. By the time we left I was having backpain. When I got home, picked up Salina from school, took her to gymnasics and then came home and layed on the couch while brittany played (and whined she was bored). I felt really uncomfortable, so I wanted to put my feet up and just kinda "listen" to my body. Well, I was having backpain and contractions. The backpain was continuous, but the contractions were erratic and not strong. Sometimes they were 10 mins apart, sometimes maybe 20. So, i rested until had to pick up Salina from gymnastics at 6. Stuart was out playing golf with guys from work about 40 mins away, but had carpooled, so I didn't call him. By 7:30 I was getting really unhappy because they hadn't gone away and called my in laws to come over so that Stuart's dad and brother in law could give me a blessing. Stuart and them all arrived around the same time around 8:15. Then I had my blessing. I felt comforted by that and was told I would be able to carry the baby full term and that I would know what to do to help me get there (more or less). So then, Sharon put the girls to bed for me. Well, by 9 the contractions still hadn't stopped and I had had seveeral in that hour, so I called and the dr. said to go in and be monitored. Anyway, went in and the dr. had requested that I have a test that helps determine if you will go into preterm labor. Apparently, it is not accurate at all if positive, but if negative, you have a 95% chance of not delivering in the next 2 weeks. So, did that, then sat and got monitored for an hour. They picked up contractions, but nothing big or regular, and my cervix was still high and long and closed. So, they said to go home and rest all weekend. The nurse said that the monitored showed that my uterus was "irritable" and that if I stayed down all weekend, I should be better next week. The nurse was real nice this time and reassured me that I did the right thing by coming in and to call if anything changed or if I just wanted to ask a question and didn't feel like calling the dr.. She told me if I had to come in several times and be monitored before I delived, just to be sure everything was ok, then that was fine and not to feel silly about it.

Anyway, I called the next day and the test was negative. so, that is great. I've been trying to stay down a lot because if I am up on my feet for very long doing stuff or even just standing up at the counter making dinner for a long time or something, I start feeling really tight and having contractions and back pain. So, we figure that it is best to just take things easy for the next 3-4 weeks and help this baby get to term! I dont' know why just going out shopping like that made all this start, but at least I know that I don't have to feel lazy if I take off from exercising for the rest of the pregnancy. I was going back and forth on this one, as activity definatly has brought on contractions and such before.

Ok-now-I had my dr. appt. for the week this morning. I was kinda nervous because I was seeing a dr. I hadn't seen before. I heard from two different people that he was a good dr., just kind of weird, or with no bedside manner kind of thing. So, I was worried he would be short with me or something. Anyway, turns out he was extremely nice and chatty as well! So, I was happy about that. So, everything was fine, just the same as when I was at the hospital last week, my cervix was long, firm and just a fingertip dialated. My BP was good, baby was being very active, lol, and I lost a half pound, yea! LOL I go back next weds, to my regular dr.. I'm really hoping that staying off my feet to much and minimizing any intense activity is really going to help enough and I won't have the preterm labor this time with the full bedrest! My trouble with both girls was at 34 weeks, and that will be sunday, so next week is the test! lol

11/1/02-- Well, my luck ran out last night. After getting the little trick or treaters to bed, I started feeling pretty horrible. I took a bath, but still felt bad. I felt nausaus and my back hurt really bad, and when I started paying attention-I realized I was having alot of contractions. So, I called Sharon and asked her to take me to the hospital because I wanted Stuart to stay home with the kids who were already asleep. We got there around 11 and checked in and the monitor was picking up contracions right away. They were running about 2-3 mins apart. The nurse checked me and said I was still firm, but was about 30% effaced and a 1-2 dialated. Since I'm almost 35 weeks, that isn't that bad, but since that was different from the day before at the dr., it felt like a big deal to me. Anyway, after about 1/2 hour maybe, they gave me the yucky shot of trebutaline. Of course, I got the nasty shakes all over and the racing heartbeat. It took to the 3rd shot before the contractions started to slow down alot. The dr. decided they should keep me over night for observation. Yuck! I think i slept one hour all night long. I had really bad shakes, and bad heartburn and they made me leave the monitor on while i was trying to sleep. They also started me on the terbutaline pill once every four hours.

In the morning the dr. came in and said that things had slowed down good and I could go home. She said to take it easy until 36 weeks and I'm taking that pill every 4 hours. But she said that I didn't have to wake up during the night like clockwork to take it or anything, because she thought I would be just fine. She was actually kind of unconcerned and casual about the whole thing.

Anyway, so here I am for the next couple weeks, hoping to make it to 37 weeks and have a nice healthy baby!

11/8/02--Well, after one week of bedrest, I'm still here and still pregnant. I've been having lots of contractions despite the medicine, but it hasn't made me go into real labor. I'll be 36 weeks on Sunday, but it would be best if I could go to 37 weeks. I'm up off bedrest on Monday, but I'm going to try to take it somewhat easy for another week after that. I'm getting into the home stretch here, thank goodness. I ache all over and feel enormous. My dr. appt on Weds. went just fine with nothing to report. I go back again next weds..

11/16/02--Well, I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, so looks like I've made it! I stopped taking the medicine on Tuesday and have been having tons of contractions since then, but no baby yet. I just started swelling up in my ankles and hands, so that is lots of fun. I go back to see the dr. on Weds., hopefully the baby wont' wait too much longer to come as any time would be good for me!!

11/23/02--Unfortunatly--nothing too exciting has been happening. Still pregnant, obviously. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and am now more pregnant than I've ever been! Hopefully, the baby will be born soon. I'm exercising and walking the dog alot trying to get more contractions going. Nothing exciting happened at my dr.'s appt.. I'm swelling a ton in my feet, ankles and legs. My hands swell some too and they ache all the time. I've read it is carpel tunnel, but only associated with pregnancy and will go away after delivery. I go see the dr. again on weds..

11/24/02--Baby Katianna is born!! Come read her birth story!