School is OUT and what are the kids to do??? Well...I have a few ideas for moms who are not working and would like to find extra things to do with their kids!!!!

Make bubbles.
In a bowl, mix one cup of dishwashing detergent, three cups of water and 3/8 cup of corn syrup. Let the mixture set for three to five hours. To blow bubbles use a funnel or plastic drinking straws.

Finger Paints
Mix three tablespoons of sugar, a half cup of corn starch and two cups of cold water into a pot. Stir over low heat until all the ingredients are blended. Pour the mixture into small jars and add a different food coloring into each one. Add a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent to ensure an easy cleanup, then paint away!

Play Touch and Guess.
Collect objects from around the house and place each one in a different paper bag. Then let them take turns putting their hands into the bags with their eyes closed and ask them to identify the items.

Create a Rythym Band
Gather up different size cans and let the youngsters bang away with their hands or sticks so >Divide your kids and their friends into two teams and line them up. Each team is given a suitcase, gym bag or large sack containing different items of clothing and accessories -- even something zany like water flippers.

The first child in line from each team then runs to an assigned spot in the yard or a room carrying the bag or suitcase, puts on all the clothing, races back to the line, removes the items, puts them back in the bag or suitcase and hands them to the next kid in line to do the same. First team to finish, wins.

Make Spoon Puppets
Make spoon puppets and put on a puppet show. Draw faces on old wooden mixing spoons with crayons or Magic Markers. Glue on yarn for hair and fabric scraps for clothes. Then create a stage by draping a tablecloth or sheet over a table -- and it's showtime.

Lemonade Stand
Remember the old days when we used to set up lemonade stands?? Well, now you can teach your kids how it's done! It is an inexpensive way to build their self-esteem, and give them something to do!! (if they don't drink up their profits) hahaha.

Adopt a Tree
Here is an idea that will sure grow for you and your children to LOVE! Here is a lesson to teach your children to take care of NATURE, and learn how to care for the things we grow!

Body Tracing
You can get the paper from any Newspaper company for about $2.00. Measure your child and trace them on the paper. Then is it time for them to decorate themselves!! Let them use their imagination!! and HAVE FUN!!!!

Clean Up Games
Would you ever expect to have your kids play these sorts of games??? hehehe. Here are a few different ideas for you and your kids to learn about cleaning in a FUN way!!!
All you need is a kitchen timer ( egg timer) and a fun time will be had!! The first way is to teach your kids to have FUN while cleaning and NOT make it a Battle for you and your family.... Set the timer for 5 minutes and the whole family will go into the room and clean it up! (only one room at a time) The Whole family will clean together!! When the timer goes off, then it is time to do another room!! Have fun while you get to know your kids, again!
The other way is to set the timer and give each child a task to clean when the timer goes off, then what ever is left goes into MOMS TREASURE BOX (which is to be kept in her room) when the end of the week is up the toys go back into their proper place!!
Mom you really don't have to STRESS out over cleaning!!