Hello traveler. Welcome to my guest book. For all those that have signed this guestbook, a special THANKS. If you have any thoughts on how I can make your cyber journey through my world easier or more comfortable, PLEASE leave me a comment here or email me. Stop by again soon!!

Roy - 08/28/00 17:06:04
My Email:roykhoo@tm.net.my
How did you find my site?: exite
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Great Dane

Thanks for the tips.

Marga Lelijveld - 07/11/00 14:57:56
My URL:http://stop.at/embroidery
My Email:a.lelijveld@chello.nl
How did you find my site?: via via via

Great site. Your web page is very informative. I like to visit you again.

Regards from Marga

LIN - 07/04/00 18:45:57
How did you find my site?: SHARPEI BREEDER LINKS
What is your favorite breed of dog?: PEI OF COURSE


Inge - 05/10/00 05:54:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/tsjoeng_foe
My Email:IBijvoets@cs.com
How did you find my site?: just surfed on in
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pei

Nice Site, lovely dogs!

Faye - 04/23/00 20:34:50
My URL:http://www.keystonecreations.com
My Email:faye@keystonecreations.com
How did you find my site?: web ring
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar pei

Cool site,great sounds. Faye

Cindy Hinkle - 03/12/00 08:24:37
My Email:Brindelyn@home.com
How did you find my site?: searching for info for my pei
What is your favorite breed of dog?: pei baby of course

It is a beatiful site full of useful information. Thanks for all the insight....

Linda - 02/19/00 17:44:02
My Email:dimwit@idirect.ca
How did you find my site?: wonderful
What is your favorite breed of dog?: many

Great site, no wonder you were so much help. Thanks again.

MStarGazerV - 02/13/00 01:54:30
My Email:@aol
How did you find my site?: Virginia

loved the pictures of the whole family. Please update pitcures of girls and Virginia. Dogs are very cute. Your sister-in-law Marilyn

Michele Plumley - 01/28/00 04:45:06
My URL:http://wrinklemoon@msn.com
My Email:wrinklemoon@msn.com
How did you find my site?: Its my favorite site!!
What is your favorite breed of dog?: well lets just guess!!!

This is my favorite sight on the web!! I just can't get enough. I noticed on my last comments that I did not leave an email address. I am new to this computer stuff!!

Chris Jackan - 01/22/00 06:07:24
My Email:jmakmady@gte.net
How did you find my site?: surfing
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Sharpei


Lisa - 01/17/00 14:40:17
My Email:LisaSharpeiPupys@AOL.COM
How did you find my site?: Surfing the web over Chinese Shar-pei
What is your favorite breed of dog?: I dont know any other but Chinese Sharp-pei's

I am a Breeder also, I live in North Carolina. I am always searching for good quality dogs, and puppies.

Heather Langwell - 01/14/00 21:21:13
My Email:Peaches_09@juno.com
How did you find my site?: Searching for Shar Pei puppy pictures
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Any!!


Michele Plumley - 01/10/00 08:27:37
My Email:wrinklemoon
How did you find my site?: Surfing Shar pei


Michele Plumley - 01/09/00 06:49:16
My Email:wrinklemoon
How did you find my site?: Researching Shar pei
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar pei

I have two Shar pei, so I am always looking for someone who actually knows something about them, and not just the stupid Shar pei rumors. They are the most well behaved, and smartest dogs I have ever been around. Thanks for all the great info.

Jim Hill - 12/28/99 00:17:29
My Email:jhill@ci.west-valley.ut.us
How did you find my site?: search engine

just got a pai and he's a keeper! Lots o' skin ! He's black/black and all black tongue. Has some eye problems that we are taking care of right away ! Friendly and smart !! Loves my feet ! I'll let you know progress! Great site!

Anita Linneman - 10/25/99 21:23:21
My Email:AnitaL@ADECA.state.al.us
How did you find my site?: looking around in other sites
What is your favorite breed of dog?: shar-pei

my pup is a bulldog/shar-pei. He is not ugly, he is very wrinkly, very well mannered. His feet are huge, he just has a long nose like the bulldog and has a long tail. I did not have it snipped when he was a pup, he had other major medical problems tha needed dealing with. Thanks for having this page.

Carmelina - 08/14/99 18:45:58
My URL:http://www.agora.stm.it/del.settimosigillo
My Email:c.galluccio@agora.stm.it
What is your favorite breed of dog?: shar-pei

very nice site!Hello from Italy!!!!!!!Carmelina

Luann - 08/13/99 14:58:32
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Petsburgh/Farm/1539
My Email:lumamle@earthlink.net
How did you find my site?: surfing
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Chinese Shar-Pei....Is there any other breed? LOL

Hello Ed, I loved my visit to your site. Enjoyed all of the dogs pics and even the fishing trip! I will ba back!

Sara - 08/07/99 19:34:09
My Email:DIOR4@aol.com
How did you find my site?: Webcrawler
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-pei

I just recently had a Shar-pei given to me. She is a 3 month old. SHe is adorable. I dont know too much about them but I have always wanted one since I was little. My dream has come true.

Mike Bevan - 07/13/99 22:13:11
My Email:mike_bevan@classic.msn.com
How did you find my site?: Super-dooper
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-pei, obviously


Martens - 07/12/99 20:03:55
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Petsburgh/Park/5664/index.htm
My Email:hadimassa@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: altavista
What is your favorite breed of dog?: SharPei

please check the dogs on my site, it will surprice you.

Tammy Haughey - 05/27/99 23:05:48
My Email:Dnvrbrncs5@aol.com
How did you find my site?: surfing
What is your favorite breed of dog?: shar-pei

My husband and I have 2 Shar-Pei's ourself. We have a black male and a cream female. Loved all the pictures and stuff.

SHELLI - 05/25/99 20:14:56
My Email:ruff_ridr_girl@webtv.net
How did you find my site?: your instructions!! lol
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Mastif

Love your sight!! Very cool pics and links. Thanks for the invite! See ya in Oklahoma!

Staffy - 04/21/99 09:45:22
My URL:http://surf.to/staffy
My Email:staffy@howling.com
What is your favorite breed of dog?: The Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Hi ahi.. I finaly looked over your page,well done. Loved your Shar Pei`s, nice pics. I`ll be seeing you in pc :-)

muffet - 04/12/99 02:15:36
My Email:petunia1@ibm.net
How did you find my site?: Goldilocks

Thanks, Ahi! Nice chatroom. Godie just told me about it. I'll be back...if you guys don't all leave as soon as I arrive, like tonight!

GSP Michele - 04/11/99 21:42:32
My Email:sportsdog@hotmail.com
What is your favorite breed of dog?: German Shorthaired Pointers

Good info for those considering a shar pei...and nice to meet the family! I love personal touches!

Janice & "Prince Harry" - 02/07/99 01:03:59
My Email:Janice815@AOL.com
How did you find my site?: a friend
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Like my Vet said, "Once you get into the Shar Pei STUFF, you can never go back". The "Prince" is my favorite breed & friend.


10/04/98 23:49:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Marylee Hurd - 10/03/98 20:08:57
My Email:Chumary1@aol.com
How did you find my site?: browsing
What is your favorite breed of dog?: SharPei, of course!


Heather - 09/23/98 17:46:31
My Email:HLe0915@aol.com
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-pei

I have a long-haired pei and he is the joy of my life. His name is Simba. I really enjoyed your page. Thanks Heather

Rich Coursey - 09/23/98 00:19:08
How did you find my site?: Altavista
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pai

I really like what your donig here

Marja-Riitta - 09/08/98 06:12:42
My URL:http://www.netti.fi/~deverin/
My Email:deverin@netti.fi
How did you find my site?: geocities
What is your favorite breed of dog?: BLACK RUSSIAN TERRIER

You have a very nice page, and beautiful dogs! I really enjoyed my visit. Great pictures. Welcome to my Black Russian Terrier site ! All the best Marja-Riitta

Darwin Huebner - 06/24/98 20:24:45
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~downy
My Email:metawrinkle@usa.net
How did you find my site?: guestbook
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Chinese Shar-Pei

Great page, well done. We have 2 stud dogs available for sale or trade and a beautiful litter of pups whelped May 8, 1998. All these dogs have Kiper in there lines. Check out our site http://www.frontiernet.net/~downy Please sign our guestbook and link us to your page and we'll do the same. Thank you My wife builds web sites reasonable

DawnK - 06/11/98 20:23:13
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Hills/9994
My Email:dawnk@geocities.com
How did you find my site?: The Shar-Peiei webring
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Cocker Spaniel, closely followed by Schipperkes!

I enjoyed my visit at your page. I loved all the pictures. I set out this afternoon to find Shar-Pei pictures for my daughters to see. Our dog book doesn't have Shar-Peis in it and I wanted to show them what they looked like. Thanks for putting lots of pi tures on your site!

Emily - 06/11/98 20:20:05
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/EnchantedForest/Dell/7630
My Email:kittygirl84@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: The Sharpei webring
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Norwich Terrier (at the moment!)

I liked your page. My mom brought my sister and I here to see pictures of real Shar-Peis since they have only seen the Beanie Baby! My favorite picture was the one of the two 3 month-old puppies sitting amongst the mess with the innocent looks on their fa es! (Did WE do that?) They sure are cute dogs!

Sarah - 06/11/98 20:13:27
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/EnchantedForest/Dell/3667/
My Email:beaniegirl12@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: from the Shar-Pei webring
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Cocker Spaniels

I liked your site. The dogs are cute. I have a beanie babie Shar-Pei called Wrinkles.

Neva - 06/06/98 02:00:35
My URL:http://userpages.aug.com/genesis
My Email:genesis@aug.com
How did you find my site?: chis-l
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pei of course!

Ed, love your page, but I don't find a link to my page on here!!

Cindy de Nottbeck - 05/29/98 00:52:30
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Acres/9504
My Email:c.de.nottbeck@sympatico.ca
How did you find my site?: chis-l
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Chinese Shar Pei`s

Hi! I am also A Shar Pei breeder love your site got here off the list.Great Site

Margie - 04/30/98 04:49:47
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/m/o/n/monet58.html
My Email:Monet58webtv.net
How did you find my site?: You gave me address
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Like em all!!!!

I like both of the pages youve done!! for got to tell you I have new one on geocities that I havent started working on yet!!

pam - 04/23/98 20:25:21
My Email:pam@applied.net
How did you find my site?: Mandie is one of my chat pals, and i was at her site. :)
What is your favorite breed of dog?: collie

Nice job!!! :)

neva - 04/21/98 20:30:33
My URL:http://userpages.aug.com/gensis
My Email:gensis@aug.com
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pei, of course!!! Is there any other?

Love the pic's, didn't remember if I had signed your guest book before, so thought I better while I was here!

Terry - 04/17/98 04:23:42
My Email:tmiles@prtcnet.org
How did you find my site?: Blue Bay's Links
What is your favorite breed of dog?: SHAR-PEI

Great page! We have had Shar-Pei since 94, and decided it was time to start our own kennel this year. We have 4 adults, 1 other that will be a year old in July, and 4 beautiful black pups born in March. You have great looking dogs. Good luck on your k nnel. Are you in Hawii?

Dawn Clayman - 03/31/98 06:46:06
My URL:http://www.xenet.com
My Email:clayman@gte.net
How did you find my site?: Chis-List
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Peibies!!!!! But of course

You keep updating your website. Looks Great. That was sure a big fish. I can't wait untill I get to go back to Hawaii. Just love Maui.

mercedes - 03/28/98 11:37:20
My Email:mellis@powerup.com.au
How did you find my site?: you know!
What is your favorite breed of dog?: ALL ! ! !

you have quite a lot on your page now - enjoy muchly checking in - keep up the updates, excellent work!

Wayne Hamilton - 03/26/98 02:39:41
My Email:whamilt9@idt.net
How did you find my site?: Work Buddy
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Any. Love Dogs

Well Ed, I made it, I told you I would. The site looks great!! :-) I have to try it some time. See you at work..

Joan/mindo - 03/22/98 20:47:03
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/m/i/n/mindosdanes.html
My Email:danesareme@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: some goodlooking guy sent it to me on my ICQ :-)
What is your favorite breed of dog?: GREAT Danes (of course)

Nice page Ed, been here a few time, come for the music }-)hehehe..figured i better sign your book,otherwise you might take me off your send a joke to list..LOL

Jenco - 03/12/98 18:48:22
How did you find my site?: you sent it to me
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Weimaraner

Thanks for sharing your page with me.It is very good. Your dogs are beautiful.

Raychel watkins - 03/12/98 06:03:33
My Email:pohakea@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: you dummy
What is your favorite breed of dog?: I forget

Hey kid this is really getting good. You need to start making pages for other people. You would do well. The pictures are great. I love the one of the distant shore line.

natalie fanning - 03/07/98 13:03:33
My Email:mfanning@powerup.com.au
How did you find my site?: through Winston
What is your favorite breed of dog?: rottweilers

i just love your babies, they are all gorgeous. I also liked your slide show. If you know any good rottie breeders, please let me know as I have a few questions regarding their behaviour (i have one 3 and a half year old female who is just the most babi st rottie around.

mercedes - 03/07/98 12:52:54
My Email:mellis@powerup.com.au
How did you find my site?: you told me
What is your favorite breed of dog?: all dogs

Your site is so great it needs to be visited every day - the photo gallery is really something very special

goldielocks - 03/07/98 12:49:01
My Email:mcrist@commandnet.net
How did you find my site?: word of mouth
What is your favorite breed of dog?: all breeds

Your dogs are beautiful! Good luck with your kennel.

Vicky McBeth - 03/03/98 15:20:45
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Meadows/7198
My Email:vmcbeth@speedline.ca
How did you find my site?: Word of Mouth
What is your favorite breed of dog?: of course there is only one - shar-peis

Your site looks great Ed - will keep checking back, always something new here!

pomlover - 03/02/98 04:58:37
My Email:brigg@mb.sympatico.ca
How did you find my site?: you told me!!
What is your favorite breed of dog?: you guess!!:-)

Looks Great!!!

bob ashby - 03/02/98 00:35:15
My URL:http://www.li-fish.net/~ashby
My Email:ashby@li-fish.net
How did you find my site?: surfed on in
What is your favorite breed of dog?: german shepard

nicely done webpage ,i like the toch with led zepplin's" starway to heaven"

Lani - 02/27/98 15:57:56
My Email:Buged78@AOL.com
How did you find my site?: Your my bro.
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Anything living :)

Hey there, your page looks great, although I am on the laptop and can't hear the music, LOL. Sorry, just wanted to check it out. Lani

Rich n Mary - 02/26/98 05:50:04
My URL:http://www.rapidnet.com/~av8r
My Email:av8r@rapidnet.com
How did you find my site?: Flew In
What is your favorite breed of dog?: WATCH

Great Web Site

Really enjoyed my visit!
Fly on over to our place!
We like visitors too!

Mom - 02/24/98 03:22:44
How did you find my site?: my favorite son
What is your favorite breed of dog?: shar-pei

looking good kid but check the spelling on maintained

Dawn Clayman - 02/23/98 23:18:25
My URL:http://www.xenet.com
My Email:clayman@gte.net
How did you find my site?: You told me
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-Pei

Nice site. Thanks for posting even the vets that has helped me out alot too.

luckykeno1 - 02/20/98 20:24:20
My Email:luckykeno1@aol.com
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-pei

Hi, I loved your website and was happy that I finally got it. Your peis are adorable. That was the biggest fish I ever saw.

Crai & Sam - 02/20/98 12:54:35
My Email:csglover@idl.net.au
How did you find my site?: you told me...
What is your favorite breed of dog?: border collie

Great page Ahi. just about to go and she your girls page......talk to you soon Craig....

Jennifer Mosier - 02/19/98 17:15:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/tignted/
My Email:tiggerjm@yahoo.com
How did you find my site?: It was on my guestbook
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Rotweiller

I like your page. I am working on a second on now that I am learning in my web creating class in college. When I am done, you can return to see it and let me know what you think!!!

Lois Sauer - 02/18/98 23:20:04
My Email:sharpei@sowega.net
How did you find my site?: Pei Mailing List
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pei - what else?

Ed: Nice Site. I'll return often to see your updates. Your pei are so cute. I have only 2 left and some day I will be adding a couple more. did I miss it, but I didn't see where you are located. I'm in South GA.

Cathy Cooper - 02/18/98 23:10:57
My URL:http://confucian.co.uk/shar-pei
My Email:Cathy@confucian.co.uk
How did you find my site?: Chis list
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Now that's a silly question!!!

Well done Ed, this is a lovely site...when ours is finally updated perhaps you'd like a link..

Mattie - 02/18/98 05:35:44
My Email:mattie@ce.net
How did you find my site?: You sent it to me !!!..LOL
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Labrador Retriver

Still can't hear the song !!! :-( When do I get my Tuna ??. You did a great job on your page !!!

suzanne moshier - 02/17/98 22:26:53

Raychel made me tell you about "temperament." I didn't know it would appear in your guest book. Your site is impressive, better than some commer- cial ones I've visited.

gen - 02/17/98 16:07:45
How did you find my site?: Ed told me
What is your favorite breed of dog?: all kinds

good job !!!!lots of hard work

Raychel Watkins - 02/16/98 21:23:39
My Email:Pohakea@aol.com
How did you find my site?: My son
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Sharpei

Really neat and i could hear the music

luckykeno1 - 02/16/98 16:53:57
My Email:luckykeno1@aol.com
How did you find my site?: Ahifighter told me about it
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar-pei

I thought it was a very nice page. I think it is wonderful for a family to get together and put together something for all to see.

margie - 02/16/98 13:54:56
My Email:Monet58@webtv.net
How did you find my site?: you gave me address
What is your favorite breed of dog?: To hard to pick!!

Hi Fighter.... Glad you sent me address I really like your page you did a good job and love the Pei's to!! (Your daughters are cute to!!)

Leah Hall - 02/16/98 13:36:54
My Email:Buged78@AOL.com
How did you find my site?: Your my brother, you made me look at it :)
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Shar Pei (is that the right answer?)

This was totally cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it you did a good job. :)

patti brooks - 02/16/98 13:09:12
My Email:bluebays@sympatico.ca
What is your favorite breed of dog?: shar-pei

fantastic start Ed i wish you all the luck in you shar-pei breeding. like they say once a shar-pei no other will do....

mercedes (winston) - 02/16/98 09:47:46
My Email:mellis@powerup.com.au
How did you find my site?: icq hu ho LOL
What is your favorite breed of dog?: all breeds big and small

Great input - nice family - i'm sure the big fish was actually from our side of the Pacific Ocean LOL - cute dogs looked ve-e-e-ry comfy. mercedes

bob & dianne pickens - 02/16/98 05:45:00
My Email:rapick49@aol.com
How did you find my site?: virginia????
What is your favorite breed of dog?: german shepard

finally got around to looking ya up, this is so cool, where did you catch the big fish? bet ya didn't eat it for lunch. pictures of the girls are cool too. good luck in selling the dogs dianne and bob

NebFox - 02/15/98 20:16:54
My Email:NebFox36@aol.com
How did you find my site?: A friend :)
What is your favorite breed of dog?: No favorite...

Cool Page! Good Luck in the breeding of your dogs. If anyone can do it I know you and Virginia can. Take care!

goldielocks - 02/15/98 18:26:47
My Email:mcrist@commandnet.net
How did you find my site?: good friend
What is your favorite breed of dog?: all!

Great page, love the pups, they are adorable. If only we had room for one more dog.......Will check out store on next trip to Nashville!

Class Act - 02/15/98 18:20:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Valley/7487
My Email:tachepei@bar.auracom.com
How did you find my site?: You told me.LOL
What is your favorite breed of dog?: What do you think.LOL

great job Edward, now you can finish mine.LOL.. No really your pretty smart. Great site.... Virginia

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