Chelsea Blue VanderBear was born in December, 1987. She was the smallest in a litter of seven and had one ear that wouldn't quite stand up. I knew the minute I saw her squirming and whining to be noticed amongst her bolder siblings that she was the "one."
Aside from a few little quirks ( making these awful shrieking noises when confined, walking on the furniture, standing on my brother's chest and barking in his face), she was a good puppy.
Who would have believed that such a scruffy ball of fluff would grow into such a beautiful little companion. And companion she is, for its virtually impossible to take a step without her trailing along behind. Keeshonds were originally bred to guard barges and bark to alert their owners of trouble. Over the years, Chelsea has been living up to her heritage and sounding the alarm at the first sign of trouble: a leaf blowing from the tree, a jogger going past the house, the men taking the garbage from the curb. You name it, Chelsea hears it and warns everyone within earshot.
Chelsea has definitely mellowed with age. She was, for a good part of her life, strictly a one-family dog, but lately, she's developed into quite the social butterfly. She loves to be outside (but only if you are with her) and will sit quite contentedly under the trees for hours, watching the world pass down her street. She lives for a glimpse of a rabbit or a squirrel.
In many ways, though, she's still the same little puppy that didn't want to be left alone. She still has to carry something around whenever she feels excited or insecure. She still shrieks if you try to confine her and (if he would get near enough) she would still stand on my brother's chest and bark. She still loves to ride in the car. She still does tricks for cookies. And she still walks on the furniture if no one is watching (thanks alot Dad.) And she is still the greatest dog that has ever owned me. Yes, friends, that's my Chelsea Bear.
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last updated February 21, 1998
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