Micah's Baptism
In addition to starting my new Jr. High Youth Group job at  church and planning our wedding, Mark and I were busy enjoying summer and hosting friends and family.  Take a look!
Summer 2000
Above: Francie pregnant with Marjorie.
Below: Mark has fun painting.
Hiking in Bend
Parents' Visit
Family BBQs
Jenn's Visit
Matthew & Anne's Visit
Painting Projects
Mt. St. Helen's
Micah's Baptism Aug 20. 
Mark and I are honored to be her Godparents.
Pregnant Francie
My first visit to Mt. St. Helens Observatory.
Visitors - Diane in May,
Jenn in July, and Mom and Dad in Aug.
Giving Matthew & Anne the
Oregon tour.
loves Gramma's berries.
Diane's  Visit