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www.cga, Inc.
Profit and Loss
April 2000 through March 2001

Ordinary Income/Expense
              Commemoratives                              7,945.80
              Contributions Income
                 Unrestricted                                      577.48
              Total Contributions Income                  577.48

              Convention Fees                              2,987.53
              Membership Dues                            5,800.32
              Miscellaneous Income                        410.89
              Whimsey                                         5,116.00
            Total Income                                    22,838.02

            Cost of Goods Sold
              Cost of Goods Sold                           6,182.54
            Total COGS                                        6,182.54

          Gross Profit                                         16,655.48

              Bank Service Charges                              60.42
              Cash Discounts
                 Currency Conversion                             -8.12
              Total Cash Discounts                                -8.12

                 Food                                                2,740.43
                 Lodging                                            1,020.26
                 Meeting Facilities                               3,436.04
                 Printed materials                                   170.70
                 Program Expense                                 700.00
                 Convention - Other                                 52.00
              Total Convention                                   8,119.78

              Member List Maint.                                  475.00
              Miscellaneous                                             -0.93
              Office Supplies                                           37.63
              Postage and Shipping                              1,101.94
              Professional Fees
                 ISP                                                     1,920.00
                 Legal Fees                                                60.00
              Total Professional Fees                             1,980.00

                 Equipment Maintenance                          840.00
              Total Repairs                                            840.00

              Server Charges                                       3,600.06
              Software                                                   600.00
              Telephone                                                     0.00
            Total Expense                                           16,805.78

       Net Ordinary Income                                         -149.95

Net Income                                                         -149.95