T-COT! The Coalition of Two! W E L C O M E

Welcome to the TCOT Homepage.

This Site contains Sounds, Graphics, Animation, and Frames. We must apologize to all those who do not have Frames capable Browsers. However, on the lighter side you can get one by clicking one of the Two Browser Buttons below. Page download times will vary depending on connection speeds, processor speeds, and service providers. This Site was tested using Internet Explorer 4.0, on a Pentium 2, 333Mhz processor. Please check out our entire site, we have had a lot of fun creating it. We offer a list of our favorite LINKS and would like to check out yours. Feel free to email us with questions, comments (Likes or Dislikes), URLs, Your Homepage addresses, and anything else you would like to send. We will check out any URLs or Homepages, and add them to our LINKS if we like them.

Be sure to read our disclaimer on the CREDIT Page.

Thanks and enjoy our Site, TCOT.

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Internet Explorer Netscape

This site was Last Updated:
4 February 1999
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