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Kim and Dave`s Home Page

A wonderful page to find out about Craft Supplies, Wedding Supplies, Knitting needs, Wool, Yarn, Beads, Needlework, Craft Ideas, and just about anything else you can think of to fill those idle moments. Kim`s YARN BARN was located in Dawson Creek, BC, Canada. We closed in December 1999. This non-commercial page is dedicated to giving you ideas and information. We would have loved to stay open but . . . no money. Guess we`ll have to win the lottery.

On to lottery page


Biographical Information

May 6, 1995
Kim and Dave Lightfoot were married (with children :-)
May 15, 1997
Kim and Dave Lightfoot purchased Kim`s YARN BARN thus bringing purpose and hard work into an otherwise laid back life style. The dedicated reader will soon get an idea of the enormity of this project. On Dec 4, 1999 we closed the doors to our store. But we still do some work out of our home
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Current Projects

Hand Made Teddy Bears
This is Stevie Bear. He comes in a kit which is ready for assembly with all the little teddy bear parts you need and the instructions to build him. Stevie has lots of brothers and sisters so you can make a whole family of bears if you have a little time.
Personalized CrossStitch Patterns
One of the first things we learned was to custom make personal Cross Stitch kits from photographs provided by our customers. We have become quite good at it but the projects are so detailed that it takes many nights for a dedicated Stitcher to create these heirlooms. Note that ther is no picture here because you can supply any picture and we will draw your Cross Stitch chart from it.
Knitted Afghans
These take a long time but you have a very desirable covering when you finish. Try a crocheted afghan to start with. These are a little quicker and easier to make but not quite as solid
Hand Sewn Victorian Lampshades
Making your own lampshades brings a touch of luxurious decadence to your home. These are not slapped together with a glue gun. The genuine artical takes about a week of sore, poked fingers to accomplish (but you have something to be very proud of when you finish
Native crafts are always popular and dreamcatchers are faddish right now. There are as many different dreamcatchers as your imagination will conceive. And don`t stop there. Try your hand at moccasins or drums or some of the many other bead crafts that you can learn about.
Hand Made Beeswax Candles
This is a quick, simple and profitable craft. With a little bit of practice you can make a great variety of beautiful candles to keep or sell at flea markets or craft sales.
Stained Glass Quilts
Who ever heard of a quilt which goes on the wall instead of the bed? We know how to make them. Kim went to an expert to learn the technique and now stocks all of the material to make wonderful wall hangings. This is a craft that takes a short time to learn and a lifetime to master.
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Contact Information

Street address
1224 103 Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC, V1G 2G9

Electronic mail address

Web address

Office phone

FAX number

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Personal Interests

Final Fantasy and other compter games
We`re addicted. Kim`s favorite game for the moment is FINAL FANTASY but we play any and all computer adventure games. Even the children (6 and 9 yrs old) get into the games. If you have a favorite game that we should try then we would love to hear from you.
Starweb and other Play by Mail games
Have you tried games that you play by mail or by E-mail? Very interactive without being all consuming of your time. Starweb has 15 players all trying to take over the universe. Playing different character types gives the game its diversity. Get more information or try it by contacting
Family day with the kids
This should be on everyone`s agenda. We work very hard to put aside a good portion of each Sunday which we designate family day. The TV goes off and we play board games and talk or . . . Try it, you`ll like it.
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Hot List
This is the search engine we use. It automatically searches all the other main engines.
The makers of Ultima games for those who just can`t get enough games
These people are THE play by mail experts. It will cost you about $10 a month to play but well worth it.
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