Welcome to Blue Butterfly Kennelz!

Last Updated August 30, 1999 at 10:16 PM

I hope you enjoy your stay at Blue Butterfly Kennelz. Blue Butterfly Kennelz is a place for petz and their owners. I have an adoption center for all the owners who want a better owner for their petz, a petz show, and many more things.

Check out the poll; there is a new question, and the first question's results! I made a new banner, and a separater! The Summer Show has begun! (Please read on for more!)

e-mail me your webpage address to win my award!

This is the Anti-Abuse banner I just made. Please take it and put it on your webpage.
Please visit the Nursery! It has a special baby background that I made! There is a new section! The Poll. Please visit! Sorry about all the contests!! I can't hold any contests if I don't get enough entries. The current contest is a Summer Theme. Go to the show page for info! My Petz 3 program will not open, so I can't play with my petz! I am trying to get a replacement disk from PF Magic, so I can re-install both Catz 3 and Dogz 3. Wish me luck! I got Oddballz! There will be a page in the making about them with pictures! I got a Guard Catz from Petzone! You can get one too! That is also where I got the Petz 1 Certificate! I got Sunshine from Petz4U Kennelz! I'll try providing a link soon! My Dogz 3 + Catz 3 came with a beanie dog thing called Fuzzy Beans. It's so cute! Go to petz.com!! The Snow Scene, Snow Toyz, Sunflower Seeds, and Marble Vase are up for download at petz.com! Need names for your new petz? There are 14 names for Dogz and Catz. For dogz, click here. For catz, click here.

If you'd like to see my main petz page, win my award, or see Featured Petz, click here. It's been updated! If you would like to download a Rottweiler or a Tuxedo Cat, go to MCK3's webpage! If you have an overweight petz and you want to help them get back in shape, go to my friend Amalia's page! She also has many other cool features!

Coming Soon: An Oddballz, Petz I, and Petz II page are going to be made. Also, a new banner at the top, and a picture you can link me to.

I have a mailing list! It's called "The List". Please join! The members help decide what it will be about! It has to do with Petz though.

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Feel free to take any of these banners. I found these banners on assorted Anti-Abuse sites. I'm against Petz Abuse!

E-mail me at lions_r_dandy@yahoo.com