
This is the year as we remember it.

This was the year the "missile people" moved in--a time to scoot over and make room.

This was the year of the first Homecoming for C.H. S.

This was the year for courreges boots, pierced earrings, for Beatle haircuts, and madras plaids.

This was the year the Conrad band received a one rating. No entries received less than a two rating at District Music Festival.

This was the year Conrad took third place in State "B" Basketball and the Yell Squad was helped along by the parents to make it an all-town effort and victory.

This was the year Conrad took first place in the State Track Meet in Missoula.

This was our Senior year. We worked hard, ever mindful of colleges' shadow. We celebrated our coming graduation, but cried when that day came.

This was the year that was.

It was great!

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