

You study sciences and philosophies, arts and languages.

For that, worn-out forces and time.


The love that Jesus traced us for redemption highway can be acquired equally in exercise to discipline.

Let us make an effort for reaching it.

The instructors are our own fellow creatures.
Some seek you. They are those that disrespect you or they attack you, per times unconsciously, near which it is possible to learn understanding and tolerance, detachment and pardon.

Some others need to look for. They are habitually those companions to who we owed help, domiciled in the illness or in the penury, in the cold lap of the night or in abandoned ruins. It is going to the encounter of those, gives them something of the ownership or of the crumb that you/they serve you as support to the existence, but leaves them your gift, lit up with your own love, to the way of the Sun, whose light you assure the life without asking you recognition.

Don't put back the learning.

The registration is of free access.

However, a condition exists for the success.

It aids and forgives without speaking of that to anybody.

The silence is the base in the didacticism of the love, because in all the classes, although per times, before a lot of people, you will be deeply in you and dialoguing with you in the presence of God.

Extracted of the Book: Words of the Heart
Spiritual medium: Francisco Cāndido Xavier
Spirit: Meimei
