Curlybug says the funniest things!

One of the joys of being a mom is the funny things that Curlybug says. This is a collection of Curlybug funnies.

Curlybug really adores his cat Barnie.

One day when he was only about 5. Curlybug comes to me all excited and says. "Mommy, I changed Barnie's name to Meow, and now she can say her own name!

Barnie is a great cat and also a great hunter. She has caught many many mice and then, when we didn't see any mice any more, she started catching birds. For a while there, we were finding dead blue jays every few days. She got 5 or 6 of them. Anyway, one day Curlybug and I were at the pet food store. Curlybug walks up to an employee and says very sweetly "Excuse me, do you have any blue jay flavored cat food?"

The other night, Curlybug and I were in the car on our way to return some movies we had rented. It was a new video place and I'd only been there once so I said to Curlybug "Keep your eye out for Glenwood street so I don't miss my turn." He says, "No mom, I'd rather not." I said "why not?" slightly annoyed. He says "keep an EYE OUT? That sounds REALLY painful!"

Curlybug has been getting in trouble for fighting at school lately. Needless to say I am *not* happy with this development. However, he informed me today that he has decided to give up fighting "Because I'm not very good at it, and I'm a pacifist at heart!"

We were at Arbys and Curlybug was placing his own order. He gave the counter girl his money and when she gave him his change he looked at it carefully, then pulled out a penny and said to the girl "Hey, this is a Canadian penny!" She looks at him smiling, and says "Oh, here give it back and I'll give you a real penny." Curlybug looks at it for a second and says "Naw.....I might go to Canada some day and this could come in handy!"