What is OPC?
There are a number of answers to this seemingly simple question:
- Its the Older Persons Commission serving Seniors in the Rochester, Michigan area.
- It Provides Transportation to Seniors who no longer drive.
- An adult day care is available at reasonable rates.
- A provider of hot meals for lunch - both delivered and on-site.
- A host for activities in the OPC building
- Bridge and other card games
- Woodshop projects
- Computer Room activities
- Crafts of many kinds
- Clubs such as Men's, Women's, Computer, Stamp and Geneology.
- A satellite branch of the Rochester Hills Library for seniors
- It provides opportunities for trips and travel for seniors.
- It is the name often used for the the building we meet in - The Older
Persons Activities Center
- It is an organization of paid employees and volunteers working together to provide food,
and activities for seniors in the area.
- It will is a website hosted by the Rochester Hills Library dedicated to seniors.
To join in the fun and camaraderie, check the OPC Website at http://www.metronet.lib.mi.us/ROCH/opc/
or call the OPC Switchboard at 248-656-1403 for information on specific activities.
Rochester OPC Location Information
Older Persons' Commission (OPC)
312 Woodward Street
Rochester, Michigan 48307
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