Franklin Co., VA, Will Book 14, p. 175
(transcribed with spelling and capitalization as written)

February 19th 1865
I James Ingram of the County of Franklin State of Virginia being in proper mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last will and testament revoking all wills made heretofore by me as to such worldly estates as pleased God to bless one with in the manner and form following.
1st I assign my sole to God who gave it and my body to the grave to be buried in a plain Christian manner I wish my just debts to be paid the balance to be disposed of in the following manner that is having two children by my last wife Washington T Ingram and Abraham Monroe I bequeath to them the following property two negro men Buck and David a negro woman Susan Dashy and Cerena they to have and to hold the said negroes forever the said negroes to be placed upon my plantation the John Lavinder and Nixon lands in the case of my son Alexander Ingram to raise their own support and the support of my two children not to be hired or rented unless they fail to make a support for themselves and my two children if they fail to make a support I will leave it o my Executor to do as he thinks proper I dont want my Executor to rent any of my lands to any person or persons unless he has the utmost confidence in the renter and not for more than one year at a time as to the Wade houses suffer no one to live in them except the negroes. I give to my seven daughters Rosanah Conner Malinda Turner Zilpha Gates Elizabeth Adams Oney Corn Adaline Spencer and Martha Jane Martin my tract of land I bought from Thomas B Green bounded by John J Hales land and others to sell or divide the land and to dispose of equally between themselves as they may think proper I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Jane Martin four hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid out of out of any money I may have on hand or when collected out of bonds or claims due my Estate whenever my Executor may think proper to pay it not to make too much of a sacrifice on account of the currency. I wish my seven daughters to have all of my wifes clothes I bought her since we were married to be divided equally among them I give to my two children Washington T Ingram and Abraham Monroe all of the balance of my Estate consisting of my lands on Stony Creek the John Lavinder Nixon Peter Saunders and Peter Young lands also the household furniture named Ten coverlids Ten counterpains white Fourteen bed quilts nine sheets four checked couterpains two blankets two rugs two bed ruffles six table cloths six feather beds six pillars and slips six bed steads This property at my death I wish my Executor to have appraised and taken care of till my children become of age also my two stills kitchen furniture plantation tools horses work oxen all other cattle hogs sheep and blacksmiths tools including the whole of my personal estate. If either one of my two children Washington T Ingram or Abraham Monroe should die before they become of age the other is to have all If both should die before they become of age the whole of their property is to be divided equally divided between my children by the first wife both sons and daughters. I want all of the property mentioned in the above will to be equally divided among the children I desire my little son Washington T Ingram to be placed in the care of my daughter in law Elizabeth A Ingram for safekeeping also my Executor to furnish the said child with the necessary support and clothing and if necessary a bed all money I have in hand and due to my estate after taking out the four hundred fifty Dollars I give to my daughter Martha Jane Martin to be equally divided between my two children Washington T Ingram and Abraham Monroe. I also wish my son Abraham Monroe Ingrum to remain in the hands of Mrs Turner till my Executor and daughter in law Elizabeth A Ingrum may think proper to take him away then for both to be put together and educated together. I give to my daughter in law Elizabeth A Ingrum one datchel (?). I appoint my son Alexander Ingrum my Executor if he fails to act I will appoint my son Isaac or William Ingrum. Acknowledged and subscribed in the presence of us this the 22nd day of February 1865.

James Ingram (seal)

Robt H Saunders
J H Cannaday
Wesley Ray Sr

At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse on the 3rd day of April 1865. This last Will and Testament of James Ingrum Jr Decd was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of Robert H Saunders and James H Cannaday two of the subscribing witnesses hereto and admitted to record And on the motion of Alexander Ingrum the Executor mentioned in the said will who made oath and executed bond with surity according to law certificate is granted him to obtain a probat of said will in due form.
Teste Ro A. Scott C F C

PLEASE NOTE: I stopped updating the web page around 2001, but I've continued to work on my project. My family history is now in Word document format, with the goal of publishing it once I consider it to be as complete as I'm going to get it. While I'm greatly indebted to those who have assisted me in my research, I'm finding that the demands of everyday life don't allow me to consistently respond to email inquiries. So, I'm offering my most up-to-date volume for sale, at a price of $19. For those interested, it is at 118 pages right now, printed by a laser printer on 8.5x11 32-lb./98 brightness paper, and wire bound. The table of contents, revision history, and index are available at the following links. To order a copy, please email me at ingramjay@hotmail.com, and I'll send it within 3 days of payment. If you indicate the family line you are interested in, I'll send you a new bound copy if and when I update my research for that line. Thanks,

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