Scouting encounters of the fun kind at camp !
Lime green aliens with large oval eyes invaded a Girl Scout camp near Pinecrest Lake yesterday. They were everywhere --
relaxing in the cabins, hiking in the woods, making tie-dye
T-shirts and key chains and even swimming in the lake.
The 250 scouts and more than 75 volunteers at Camp Sylvester this week painted their faces, wore aluminum foil antennae and even made space stations out of junk. "Take me to your leader," one girl's shirt said."Leader,"said a counselor's T-shirt.
Aliens were yesterday's theme at the camp for Girl Scouts from around Tuolumne and neighboring counties. Monday's theme was crazy hats and ties, today is circus fun, tomorrow will be smiley faces day and neon colors are the focus Friday. All the days fit under the theme for the week, "What if?"-- as in, what if aliens came to camp?
To the delight of the campers, director Becky Howay and
assistant directors Denise Mosher, Denise Brooks and Terry Brejla
turned into a eight-legged, eight-eyed, two-armed monster for the
flag ceremonies at the beginning and end of alien day. They
created the effect with four black T-shirts sewn together at the
sleeves, hairy monster feet-like slippers and foot-tall hats. The
directors handed out candies and blew bubbles from oddly-shaped
dispensers as they wandered through the camp supervising
activities. Some of the favorite activities are archery,
swimming, crafts and hiking. Archery was so popular last year
that the directors decided to double the amount of time for it
this year.