Pass.Extract Str.Barufsia 1870

Str.Barufusia 1870 Extract

The following is an extract from the ship manifest of the Steamer BARUFSIA.Departing Hamburg,Germany,arriving New York harbor,May 1870.

The writing is very difficult to decipher.Where I could not tell I put a question mark.Please keep in mind that it is pssble I may have misaken one letter for another.Please E-MAIL me.I would be glad to help where I can.

CODE:Passenger name/age/gender/Occupation.All those listed are from Germany with intentions for the USA.

62.HEINMANN    Joh.     35   M    workman

63. " Sophie 37 W his wife
64. " Fritz 8 M his children
65. " Emma 5 F
66. " ? 3 M
67. " M?? 6mth M
68.DYMARSKI Thom. 18 M farmer
69.BAN?LKE Rudolf 55 M offical
70.KOEN Gustav 22 M cartwright
71.SCHMIDT Johanna 4? M farmer
72. " Christine 41 F his wife
73. " Maria 17 F his children
74. " Joha. 7 F
75. " Chr. 6 M
76. " Wm. 4 M
77. " Augusta 9mth F
78. " Bern?? 9mth M
79.MUNSTER Johnn 21 M workman
80.LAHAHN Joh. 24 M workman
81.FHREBS Gustav 24 M workman
82.HOFFMANN Ernst 27 M tailor
83. " Louise 26 F his wife
84. " ? 5mth M his baby
85.GROTH ?hili 38 F