DitzySmurff: shut up (Okay?)
Chris164935: Oh, good come back!
Chris164935: I feel so "REJECTED"!
DitzySmurff: you should
Chris164935: I should?
DitzySmurff: you arent scoreing any points here you know
Chris164935: Was it ever possible to for me to score any points? (Like I wanted to anyway....)
DitzySmurff: no
Chris164935: Ok then.....
DitzySmurff: not with the attitute you have had lately
Chris164935: I have nothing to lose....
Chris164935: Maybe you shouldn't have pissed me off.....
DitzySmurff: i guess not
DitzySmurff: maybe you shouldnt have written what you wrote
Chris164935: Maybe?
Chris164935: What would have happened if I didn't?
DitzySmurff: maybe i wouldnt have lost it with you
Chris164935: Yeah right.....
DitzySmurff: you lost every chance you ever had when you wrote that (That's a bad thing?)
Chris164935: I don't want any chances....
Chris164935: Don't you get it?
Chris164935: That is why I wrote that....
DitzySmurff: thats fine
DitzySmurff: dont you
Chris164935: Yeah, I do....
DitzySmurff: i havent wanted you since february
Chris164935: And stop repeating everything I say....... (I hate when people do that shit.)
Chris164935: That's so gay...
Chris164935: Think for yourself....
Chris164935: That's great?
DitzySmurff: maybe u should have relized that earlier than you couldve saved youself the embarrassment when you wrote that letter
Chris164935: Embarrassment?
DitzySmurff: yeah
Chris164935: No one said anything about a letter to me.......
DitzySmurff: yeah thats what you think (That's what I think? I'm pretty sure I would know if someone said something to me about a letter, stupid whore.)
Chris164935: That's what I know....
DitzySmurff: keep thinking that
DitzySmurff: keep being like this
DitzySmurff: really
DitzySmurff: keep it up
DitzySmurff: and you just wait and see what happens
Chris164935: Just because one of your idiot friends said something like, "Hey, what's with the letter? Ha ha, that's funny."
Chris164935: Doesn't mean I know he said that.....
DitzySmurff: well whatever (Tongue tied?)
Chris164935: Well, you're a dumbass... (Heh heh.....)
DitzySmurff: no im not
DitzySmurff: and im sick of you belittleing me like this (Cry about it, baby.....)
Chris164935: Oh, you can dish it out but can't take it?
Chris164935: That's sad....
DitzySmurff: its childish
DitzySmurff: i dont dish it out
Chris164935: WTF?!?
Chris164935: Everything you have said to me has been shit like "you're a fag."
Chris164935: Or "you're a dickhead."
DitzySmurff: i have not even called you that at all (According to Conversation 4, you have.)
Chris164935: So, when you do it, it's not childish?
Chris164935: OH BULLSHIT!!
DitzySmurff: i havent said anything to you today
Chris164935: This is why I'm doing this crap, because you think you never do anything.....
Chris164935: Oh, TODAY!
Chris164935: What about ALL last week?
DitzySmurff: ive relized how lame it was and now im mature enough to move on
DitzySmurff: but obviously your not
Chris164935: No, everytime you've IMed me....
DitzySmurff: i didnt even im you tonight
Chris164935: The only exception is today when Ashley IMed me instead.....
DitzySmurff: you imed me
Chris164935: So, what? That makes the ratio 8:1?
Chris164935: Oh, one time!
Chris164935: Sorry I bothered you so damn much!! (LOL!)
DitzySmurff: u know im very unstable and i figured you would be a lil more sensitive to my feelings
Chris164935: I was......
Chris164935: Until you started gettin' all bitchy!
DitzySmurff: thats bitchey (No, it's bitchy, you stupid fuck; go look it up....)
Chris164935: Sometimes, I can take only so much bullshit as well......
DitzySmurff: i figured if you could correct me all the time i could too (Too bad nothing was spelled wrong.)