Director of Religious Education: Dave Antonoplos
Parish Secretary: Ann Palamara
Liturgy/Music: Marty Schaffeld
Organist: Norma Ernest
Parish Council Members
Bob Smola, President (term expires in May of 2001)
Rob Schaffeld, Vice President (term expires in May of 2001)
Lisa Beasley, Recording Secretary (term expires in May of 2001)
John Searcy, Parliamentarian (term expires in May of 2002)
Doris Bledsoe (term expires in May of 2002)
Pat Wingo (term expires in May of 2002)
Dave Betts (term expires in May of 2003)
Mary Boyce (term expires in May of 2003)
Susan Gonsewski (term expires in May of 2003)
Finance Council Members
Calvin Wingo (term expires in May of 2001)
Ricky Beasley (term expires in May of 2002)
Tom Byrne (term expires in May of 2003)
Tom Palamara (adjunct member, book-keeper)
Millennium Committee: Betty McGowan