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Hello one and all!!
Welcome to Horseshoes, home of the horse! A place where you can hang out and read about those gracefull creatures...NOOOOO NOT ELEPHANTS! HORSES!! cor I swear some people have brains the size of peas... not you of course because you came to my sight but those weiners that think that if it doesn't go in a straight line or run on petrol it ain't worth buying. Take my dad for example. Well if you happen to like this site put this addy on yours;
and if you email me with your site I shall do the same..
Well anyhow I shall let you get on with the site
Luv Kaggie



I am happy to anounce I have just bought a most lovely mare called Sam. For those who don't know what a mare is go to the dictionary page. She is a full thoroughbred and is six years old. Her sire is "Not so noble" and her dam is "Krisp talk" and she is an EXCELLENT jumper! If you want to know more (which you probably don't) email me at the addres somewhere on this page.

Horse Abuse
Horses in Heaven - a story everyone will like
Names for your Horsey
Colours and markings *STILL UPDATING*
Awards we have won!!
My adopted animals! Get one for yourself!
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If you want to sign my guestbook feel free but I am not pressuring you like other sites (I HATE when they do that!)

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Please when you sign my guestbook only press the submit button once and if you have a link DO NOT put it on this page but email it to me (address below)with the HTML if you have a banner and I shall put it on the links page.

This is a good friend of mine and he has his own web page! so pop on down and say Aloha!

This is an EXCELLENT horse poem site by a very talented poet. She has let me used one of her poems in the abuse section so pop in and check it out! I seriously recomend it.
Whispers of the Vagabond


Please go here and help me win an award! It also has the top 100 horse sites! Some of them are pretty good but remember to come back here!

Vote for this website!
This is another voting thingy please vote for me and I will your best friend!! *laughs out loud* oh well and oh! heres another one...

Of course this is an equstrian hot site but the dudes who own this site don't belive me so vote for me and prove them wrong...

ME! Vote Vote Vote thats all what we do in the land down under :) naa this one I rekon is a really cool one but oh well NEXTTTTT...

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site

AHHHHH SO MANY VOTES SO LITTLE TIME!! oh well if you can't be bothered to vote for all five just choose one and off you go but do remember to come back. hoofprints

You can also ICQ me!!! my number is...

starlights birthstarlight

please don't steal my little guy but you can get your own really cute ones at the Unicorn Friendship Centre. They have Unicorn, Ponies, foals, Mother and foals and many more it is definatly worth a visit!

You are number to trot by this site since 8th August 1998!


©1998 (except for pics, background, info. Oh what the heck I just wanted to have this cool thingy down to make it look professional)

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