
My World

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My Family

This would be all of us, 3 sons, 2 daughters in law, one soon to be daughter in law and the 2 loves of my life Kensington and Emily.Ok so I don't have all the pictures in here yet..I do have a life too be patient they will come in time.

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Well here I am back at my very first page I ever created. My cousin April says she checks it at times and that darn cube is still going round and round. Gee I do need to slow it down at least. I am calling Michigan home once again. Our home consist of my wonderful husband, my youngest son and our baby Tucker, the big yellow dog. Click on a photo to bring it close up. Your mouse controls the movement of the cube.

Salvation, being the greatest gift I have ever received, has allowed me to realize how blessed by God we are, with children. It is truly a miracle how something so self satisfying, was planned before time began. My family has provided me with years of joy and laughter, with very few tears or frets. I thank God that he has entrusted me with such an awesome responsibility, with rewards beyond comprehension.

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When I was young

I thought it would be

so grand to walk

with dignity


Water Drip

I'm older now

I've traveled far

I long to run

Where children are



Email me!

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