Hi I'm Jerry.
As you probably figured out the rest are my family. My wife Mila, my daughters Yashica, and Lea and last but not least my son Casey. My wife is from the Philippine Islands and I'm from Montana. Yashica and Lea have Mom's demeaner and Casey takes after Dad.
We are a military family living in Japan (Our second tour). I'm currently employed as a Maintenance Chief with the Black Knights of VF-154. Feel free to visit the Black Knights at there home page at http://www.navy.mil/homepages/vf-154. We take care of the day to day maintenance of 12 F-14A jet aircraft. I just recently returned from the Arabian Gulf to help prepare and wait for our newest arrival "Joshua Alver". He will be joining us in mid August.


Email me at jerry@ata.attmil.ne.jp if you have any questions about military life or life in Japan. I will be updating the pictures soon so our friends can see how the kids have changed.
Please come back and visit us soon.

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