The nursery is available during Sunday School, Worship Services and Wednesday night activities. The nursery may be requested for special church events by contacting our Childrens Minister.
*Contact Person: Jane Finkelstein 272-2412
You will find a varied program of activities for your child at Dalraida Baptist Church. Involvement in all these organizations provide opportunities for continued spiritual growth. We offer a regular schedule of activities designed just for our preschoolers.
*Contact Person: Jane Finkelstein 272-2412
Mother's Day Out A weekday ministry for preschoolers and their parents. It provides the children with good learning (ABecka) and loving experiences in a Christian atmosphere and it provides parents some free time for personal and business responsibilities.
Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m.
for ages 6 weeks through 5 year olds during school months.
*Contact Person: Glynis Land 272-2412
Our children are special people at Dalraida. We provide programs to stimulate the spiritual, emotional, and physical growth and interest of the varied ages included in our children's area. Sunday School, mission organizations, and children's choir also provide special times of fellowship and Bible study at different times during the year.
*Contact Person: Jane Finkelstein 272-2412
Bible Drill 4th - 6th graders meet weekly on Sunday evening at 4:00 5:45 p.m.
This event meets from September through May each year.
*Contact Person: Debbie Cox 272-2412
Here at Dalraida, we believe in a strong, active youth ministry. A ministry where adolescents can grow to discover their potential as individuals. We attempt to accomplish this task through special retreats, fun trips, conventions and our ongoing educational ministries. It is our desire that through Bible Study, mission training and church leadership that each adolescent will become a strong, healthy adult.
*Contact Person: Keith Martin 272-2412
Children's Mission Groups
Mission Friends - (4 & 5 year old girls & boys) - Wed. 6:50 7:30 p.m. *Julie Stinson
GA's - Girls in Action (1st - 6th grade) - Wed. 6:50 7:30 p.m.
*Lisa Smith, Monica Jordan
RA's - Royal Ambassadors (boys, 1st - 6th grade) - Wed. 6:50 7:30 p.m.
*Andy Culbreth, Harold Cox
Youth on Missions - (co-ed 7th - 12th grade) - once a month on Wed.- *Keith Martin