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Amateur Radio Call

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push pin Talking (or using Morse Code) with friends or strangers all over the world.
push pin Assisting in disasters and emergency.
push pin Promote international good will.
push pin Helping to coordinate events like the New Year's Rose Parade, marathons, Olympics.
push pin Going to local hospitals and letting the kids talk to "Santa".
push pin Contests - Trying to contact as many stations as possible in a 24 hour period. Awards for such things as making contact with Ham stations in all 50 states, or 100 different countries.
push pin Making phone calls for our GI's in other countries so they can talk to their love ones.
push pin Developing new technologies to improve the state of the art in radiocomminiction.

...........and more.

There are many ways of using Amateur Radio - you can use voice transmission, International Morse Code, difference types of radio teletype, television, packet radio (using radio linked computers, similar to how we do it on the Internet). You can talk to hams in your local area, or you can talk to hams all over the world. You can talk from your home base or out of a mobile station.

Anyone can be a ham. From a 5 year old to a 80 year. Men and Women. There are actors, politicians, astronauts, kings and queens are hams.

Getting started in Amateur Radio does not have to be expensive or difficult. In the United States there are several levels (classes) of Amateur Radio license, starting with a "novice" class that requires only a basic knowledge of radio theory, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and 5 words-per-minute of Morse Code.

If you want to get started, there's lots of information available at the  ARRL ARRL (American Radio Relay League). You can also call 1-800-32-NEW HAM / (800) 326-3942 or e-mail them.

The possibilities are endless -- Join the World of Amateur Radio!!

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Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
E-mail Me At: n8sc@arrl.net

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