Robert Rhode

Bob at work

Who is this guy?

I grew up in St. Paul, MN. I graduated from Highland Park Sr. High School.
I attended Rice University, in Houston, TX. Mors de super!
I moved to Rochester, NY to attend the University of Rochester.
Now I live in Santa Clara, California.

What do you do?

I am a computer engineer. I do everything from logic circuit design to applications software. Right now, I work as a tech support engineer at Devicescape.

Exele Information Systems Nortel Networks Advanced Micro Devices palmOne palm PalmSource ACCESS Devicescape

In the past, I have worked at Exele Information Systems, Nortel Networks, Advanced Micro Devices, Palm (formerly palmOne (formerly Palm)), and PalmSource (now owned by ACCESS). The photo above was taken with the camera built into my Palm™ Zire™ 71 handheld computer.

Ferret Central I used to own pet ferrets, who always kept me amused. Too bad ferrets aren't legal in California. Prisoner ferret photo © The Ferret Company. © The Ferret Company, Used without their Permission
Nikon N70 camera I also enjoy taking photos. I'm not a good photographer, but it makes me happy.
Most of my friends play Clan Lord, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game for the Macintosh. I don't play as much as I used to, but am still a familiar face around Puddleby. If you have a Mac, you should try it.

I also regularly meet with friends to play D&D.

What is this page for?

I hate it when I can't find people, either because I've lost track of them, or because their contact information is hard to remember. I love it when I just poke around aimlessly (or purposefully) and happen to find an old aquaintance. This page exists so that people can find me. If my bio sounds like someone you know, I probably am. Why not drop me an email and find out?:-)

Email me:

This page created: 02 feb 2000
Last updated: 22 june 2007