For Our Little Miracles by Krisanne Collard
A complete list of web links including Kangaroo Care Articles, Developmental and Kangaroo Care Products and Premature Baby Sites.  If you wish to have your site linked here, please e-mail me.   Click here
Kangaroo Care originated in Bogota, Columbia  in   1983 by   Neos Edgar Rey  and  Hector Martinez when they   developed the  "Kangaroo Mother Care" program  to   decrease   the  high mortality rate among preemies.  Moms    carried   their preemies in slings all day, every day and the mortality rate fell from 70% to 30%.
Retired Infant Developmental Nurse Specialist, Theresa Kledzik can answer any questions you have regarding the implementation of Kangaroo Care.  She works every day to bring parents and babies  together through a wonderful developmental care program which includes Kangaroo Care.  Click here to contact her via e-mail.
During Kangaroo Care, also known as skin-to-skin care, the baby is placed on the parent's chest, clad only in a diaper and cap.  The baby's head is turned to the side so that it's ear is against the parent's heart.  Vent tubing and wires are taped to the parent's gown.  Usually, two nurses assist in the transfer from warming bed or isolet to the parent's chest.  This process can take just 10 minutes, even with a vented baby.  Kangaroo Care can also benefit older preemies and full-term babies.  See 'Kangaroo Care benefits' or 'Other Uses For Kangaroo Care' on the right for more information.
Dr Niles Bergman has given major talks on Kangaroo Mother Care and Brestfeeding in five continents in the last five years.   Dr Bergman has now made a video called "Kangaroo Mother Care - Restoring the Original Paradigm for Infant Care and Breastfeeding."  It provides the latest up-to-date research and evidence to prove that the newborn thrives best in it's original rightful place - on it's mother.  The video highlights the centrality of brestfeeding, which is far more than just mere nutrition.  The video is a valuable resourse for doctors, nurses, lactation consultants and prospective parents.  Cost is US $45 (includes postage) To order, e-mail Jill Bergman at bergman@xsinet.co.za
Studies to date have shown only positive results of Kangaroo Care.  Unfortunately some hospitals still don't allow any form of Kangaroo Care or holding.  Some allow Kangaroo Care only when the baby is 'stable' or off all breathing machines.  But, there are a few that  realize that Kangaroo Care is the best thing a  parent can do for their baby!
Someone once told me that parents are the only ones who could benefit from Kangaroo Care.  I do not agree.  I saw the dramatic changes in my little miracle when I held her to my heart. For the parents, Kangarooing satisfies the need to feel like a Mom or Dad and gives us a chance to do something for our babies.  For the premature babies, Kangaroo Care lowers oxygen requirements, stabilizes heart rates, gives them an overall sense of peace and so much more! 
1)  Dr Susan Ludington-Hoe - University of Maryland, School of Nursing (1995-1998) or
E-mail her at
AND, Visit my newest website....
Developmental Care For Our Little Miracles
2)  Dr Gene Cranston Anderson - Case Western Reserve University  (1991-1998) or E-mail her at gca@po.cwru.edu
3)  INK - International Network for Kangaroo Mother Care - includes abstracts from the II International Kangaroo Mother Care Congress in Bogota and so much more.  Spanish translation available. 
Many Kangaroo Care poses and wonderful quotes from parents who have Kangarooed their tiny miracles.  If you wish to be included, simply e-mail me with a photo and short quote.  Click here
    Hi!  I am Krisanne Collard, mom to two wonderful little girls, Kaia - born at 24 weeks, now 10 years old and Katie - born full-term, now 9 years old.  My interest in Kangaroo Care started when Kaia  was in the NICU.  I was able to Kangaroo every day from birth, even on oscillating and traditional ventilators.
     When Kaia was about a year old, I was sad to hear that most hospitals didn't allow Kangaroo Care or any type of holding for weeks, even months after birth.  I tried to find more information on the Internet, but there were no exclusive sites for Kangaroo Care, nowhere for parents or hospital staff to go to learn more about the wonderful possibilities of Kangaroo Care. 

     So, here it is... I hope you have enjoyed!  Please feel free to E-mail me at
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