Snootchie is a yellow monkey. You know those gripper things you put on your pencils? He's like that, but he's a yellow monkey. He sits with me on my throne on the hill while others worship us. We rewl.
Mootchie is a yellow pencil hugger too, but he's a bunnie! He looks psychotic, and he's the one who does all the dangerous things for Buddy and Snootchie, so that they don't get hurt. Yep.
And now, enough procrastinating. I'm finally going to talk about Om. Om, in the book Small Gods is the all-knowing... small god. He's a turtle. My Om, who is named after that turtle, is a snail. He's not really very involved in the crime fighting/comitting thing. He just, basically, is the manager. He manages the money, and the schedule, and stuff like that. And Buddy likes to eat his food. But he's the best snail in the whole world, and oh, so organized. He's kewl.
Together they make up the best crime fighting/commiting team in the world. You know that movie Hackers? That was based on their lives! Honestly! (If you haven't seen that movie, do. It's really good. Ask Sparky. Be sure to include "Sparky" in the subject.)