Mailing List Webpage

The Lumley Mailing List is for people interested in the surname Lumley for genealogy information and exchange, around the world.

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If you have questions concerning the list you may e-mail the mailing list's owner -
Richard Lumley ( or contact him via his ICQ # 22388044.


SLVGS NEWS - This is a publication of the St. Lawrence Valley Genealogical Society and is published quarterly for members who are interested in research in the St. Lawrence Valley area. Membership is $12.00 per year in U.S. funds and $15.00 Canadian.
The mailing address of the Society is -
P.O. Box 341
Colton, NY 13625
Or you can send an e-mail to the editor at
Queries are printed free.

Genealogical Resources for St. Lawrence County NY

Lewis County Mailing List - send e-mail to and in the body put subscribe lewis-ny.

Genealogy Personal Home Page

Surname Registry - Connect with Surnames

Town of DeKalb Historical Association

Jefferson County NY Mailing List

St. Lawrence County Historical Association

St Lawrence County History

Upstate NY webpage

The North Country Grapevine - a web-based local discussion board.

Cyberspace Capital of New York State - lots of general information about the Empire State.


WWTI - TV 50


Search Local Library System

New York State Department of Labor

Historical Associations

RegionNet Tourist Network for Canada

Genealogy Helplist New York

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Site first online on Wednesday August 26, 1998
Last modified Friday November 6, 1998
Copyright (©) 1998 Richard Lumley
ICQ # 22388044
All Rights Reserved
This page designed by - HMI Enterprises