If you are open for God's leading, he will lead you

The following is a report from the Christliches Zentrum in Deggendorf, Bavaria, Germany:

"Not long ago, I had a special experience with Jesus. It was already quite late, around 11 pm, when I heard Jesus tell me I should withdraw 4,500 Deutschmarks from my bank account. I hesitated at first, but then went to the bank and withdrew the money from the machine. With the money in my hand, I asked the Lord, 'What should I do with it now?'. He told me to drive into the Czech Republic. I thought to myself 'I must be hearing wrong', but got in the car and drove. At the border, the guard asked me what my business in the Czech Republic was, and was rather perplexed when I answered 'No idea' - but he let me through. I drove into the next village, and again asked God, "What should I do here?" Then I saw a burning house, and drove closer.

A man, his wife and one daughter stood in front of the house, crying. I went up to them and asked them if I could help. After they had told me how the fire started, I said that I had brought something for them, taking out the 4,500 Marks. They looked at me, astonished, and asked what was going on. I told them how God had spoken to me and led me. The man explained that they had lost around 9,000 Marks worth of belongings in the fire, but that they had only 4,500 Marks in savings. I now knew that I had heard God right. I gave them the money, and they were besides themselves for joy. They wanted to know more about Jesus, so we talked for a long time. Around 4 am, I drove home. Three days later, Pavel, the man, called me to say that he and his family wanted to get to know Jesus personally.

We prayed together on the telephone. Isn't it great to see how God honors it when we dare to trust his leading?"

(From Ian Lewis ian.lewis@cablecadd.co.nz 15 Sep 1998)

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