Praise Christian Center
"A Family Church"

The Vision
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As I share the vision of P.C.C., it is my prayer for you to understand my heart. Remember, anyone can become a member, but you must desire to become a laborer.

God spoke to me when we started Praise Christian Center to believe Him for laborers in His harvest field. He spoke to me that I would observe various characteristics in these new laborers that I hadn’t seen in the numerous ‘members’ I had encountered in my previous denominational or pastoral experiences. Moreover, the Lord spoke to me that these new laborers would be ‘Givers and Forgivers’ - a people willing to give God three vitally important areas of their life: their TIME, their TALENT, and their TITHES and offerings.

Equally important, the Lord spoke that these New Laborers would know their God and do great exploits (deeds) (Daniel 11:32); therefore, I was to primarily focus on teaching ‘WORSHIP and the WORD.’ This too is why I stress teaching the whole oracle of God in relation to living a life of holiness, faith, deliverance, prosperity, healing, miracles and abundant life.

Amidst our praises, we must be about our Father’s business - getting the gospel to a hurting and dying world. Firstly, our own Jerusalem (Atlanta) and secondly, worldwide. Thus, the vision: “Have No Pity, We Shall Take The City.” We must all believe that God has placed us here to bring the Gospel to the people of Atlanta.

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