Morningstar's Doorway


For Our Military SOLDIERS...
In Afghanistan, And Around The World.

"Smiles and waves" to all my friends and

To the one's that are just passing by.

I Hope You Find Somthing That Uplift Your day!
That Put's A Smile On Your Face!

I opened up this web site March 17-1998
WOW Thats Been A Few years
*Smiles* =-)

So Sit Back, Relax, And Enjoy The View.


When day turns to evening, that day will
never come again. Tomorrow is a new day,
unique and never-to-be-repeated.
If we could meet each new day, each new
person, each new experience, as though it
were the first, our lives could be touched by
the excitement and discovery of adventure.

We're not the same as we were yesterday.
Each moment we change; each new event in
our lives can be a cusp between two different states.
Today, let's give ourselves that special gift.
~The author is unknown ~


~How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field~

the farmer plows through the fields of green
And the blade of the plow is sharp and keen.
The seed must be sown to bring forth grain,
For nothing is born without Suffering and pain.

And God never plows in the soul of man
Without intention and purpose and plan.
So whenever you feel the plow's sharp blade
Let not your heart be sorely afraid.

For like the farmer, God chooses a field
From which He expects an excellent Yield.
So rejoice though your heart is broken in too,
God seeks to bring forth a rich harvest in you.

~Helen Steiner Rice~

~THANKYOU Dorothy~
For All Of Your Help.
On Getting Me Started On My Home Page.
Your Time Is Appreciated.
~Lot's Of Smiles Michelle~

What a Wonderful "Surprise"
It Was When I Open My E-mail And Found This Beautiful Award!!!
*Thankyou SHARRI* Your A special Friend
With A Heart That Shines All They Way From the Stars and Back!
This Award Was Given To Me On April 19-2001
To See Sharri page Hit On My Award. She Has Done A Beautiful Page Titled
"Dedicated To those Lives Affected By Vietnam"
She Has Put Her Heart And Soul In This Website
Take Alook Around!

from my heart to YOURS.
Your email penpal and friend,
Sharri Savage

~ThankYou Lady J~
For This Beautiful survivor gift!
~Lady J~

I created this gift as my way of saying how proud I am of you.
You are truly a survivor!
I hope you enjoy this gift...
and I hope it brings a little smile to your day.
~October 14-1999~

This Award Was Given To Me On
January 9-2001
~Thankyou Ruth Ann For This Beautiful Award~

~Thankyou angelbleu For My Beautiful Award~
This Award Was Given To Me On
January 8-2000

This Beautiful Award, Was Given To ME.

May 30-2000
~Thankyou Shirley~

This Beautiful Awared Was Given To Me
ON 4-09-2001

Thankyou Crystal
Fly with the Angels

~I Placed Some Links Below That I Take Part In.~

Did You Know You Could Make A Child Smile.
For Just 33cents
This Is A Wounderful Site, It Touched My Heart.
How About Yours?
Go Ahead And Check It Out!

~Hug's And Hope Is A Wonderful Site!
Take Some Time And Bring A Smile.
To A Sick Child.
Send Them A Card !

Chemo Angels site
This Site is Wounderful if your undergoing treatment for cancer.
Or If YOU Would like to be A Chemo Angel volunteer!
The Site Also has Shared Experience- Learn what others have experienced with your type of cancer and the types of treatment they have undergone..
A massive collection of cancer sites and resources.And Chat Line.
~~Chemo Angels site~~

~~Share Your Heart,
Be An Angel To A Cancer Patient.~~

All the races and tribes in the world
are like the different colored flowers of one meadow.
~~All Are Beautiful~~
As children of the Creator, they must be respected

~The author is unknown ~

Morningstar Doorway
Morningstar 2~
A Special Prayer
~Open your eyes~
Locomotive Alley
Winter Wonderland
Slow Dancing
With The Moon
The White Horse
This Used To Be My Playground
Guardian Angels In Memory of my Mother
Day's Of Past
Believe In Your Dream's
My Gem's
Eagle's Flight
My Adopted Pow/Mias
Carry Me
South West
Shining star
Alway's Have A Dream
To Each Her Own
How Poor Are We?
Quiet Times
Majestic Eagle
Dancing Among The Clouds
The Rose With In
Heaven Door
Sent From Above
I'm Special
First Americans
Come To The Hills
Eagle When She Fly's

Here Is A Web Site I did
For A Friend Roy Cooper
If You Like Dirt Track Racing Come and visit
Racer Roy Home Page

I Would Like To Say Thankyou To all That E-mail Me
I Have Enjoyed Hearing From You.
It's So Neat to See Where You Are All From.
And Where This Home Site Journeys To.

Lady by the window is from
Heavens gate

Potography by Monti

BackGround By
~ Wolflady's ~

Some Clipart from Lady Dj's

LE FastCounter

~Look At All The Wonderful People That Has Been Here~


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