<IMAGE> tags are used to bring graphics onto your pages. The use of graphics
can add a lot to a page, but if you use too many, it can also really take away from the page.
The key is using just enough to set off your page nicely, and not so many that your page takes
hours to load. So, with that said there are several attributes that go along with the
<IMAGE> tags. The code to display an image called pooh.gif would look similar to
<IMG SRC="pooh.gif" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="100" WIDTH="75">
The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes can make your pages load faster when you use
them with images. It creates a box on your page that the image will load into, instead of
browsers having to load an image line by line.
The BORDER attribute determines whether or not there will be a border around your
image. I generally prefer not to have one, but it's up to you.
Another attribute that I often use is ALT. This is generally used to pop up a brief
description of something when the mouse is passed over it. So, in the above example of the
pooh.gif graphic, if we added ALT="Winnie the Pooh" to our line of code, we would get a
little dialog box that pops up and says Winnie the Pooh when a mouse passes over the Winnie the
Pooh graphic. Pretty neat, huh? :-)