Grumpy-Talk 6

September 1998


As you know, our website at hasn't been updated since September of last year! Splitfoot's Zip code is wrong and a number of e-mail links don't work because several addresses have changed. The problem lies in the fact that I do not have direct access to the site in order to change it! I have sent Grumpy-Talk 5 to them on disk, along with the necessary corrections, but waited in vain for a change to appear. I went as far as to call our contact at bikertrash, Larry Gore, at his office in Houston. I pleaded with them to update our page and he said they'd get around to it. That was several months ago! What are these guys? Bikers?
Ahh, that explains it!

Anyway, I can hold off no longer with issue six, so here it is on its own page!


Our very own camera wizard turned motorcycle mechanic extraordinaire, suffered a heart attack in March! Confined to hospital for almost a week, he underwent a regimen of blood thinners and all sorts of physical inconveniences.
Then, within a month of Laconia Bike Week, he fell off a bike he was testing and broke his collar bone!
The medical gremlins put him into a confining harness, sure to keep him from participating in any biking activities during Laconia!

Uncle T worked hard to get himself into shape so he could get rid of the harness. When I got up to Coopers (his shop in Franklin, NH) for Bike Week, the word was that he had just had another heart attack and was in the local hospital! There was talk of transporting him to another hospital for a by-pass operation. We all stood by, hoping for the best. In the end, it was discovered that he had had a blood clot. They roto-rooteredŽ him and he came home from the hospital. Looking frail and paunch-less, he nevertheless insisted on walking about and getting right into things! He faces more experimentation with all sorts of nefarious medications and I believe Jeannie has her hands full trying to keep him tied down and taking it easy! Speaking with Ogar, recently, reveals that Uncle T is getting all sorts of care and doing fairly well. Ogar was not present during Bike Week. He was busy trying to get his bike ready , when his brother passed away and tied him up with less pleasant tasks to handle. He has, of course, our condolences!


Those of you who went, will tell you that you had better have brought your umbrella! My son Willy and I spent the whole week camped at Coopers and our new tent leaked! Lizzard and Meg dug a small trench around their tents and still got wet!

There was an increasingly rare Sky sighting! Odin, himself, was at Coopers when Willy and I rolled in. Two days later, after good talks and camaraderie, he took a left turn on the way to Weir's Beach and was never seen again!
The rest of us enjoyed the exhibits and even managed to spend a little money (VERY LITTLE money!) on t-shirts and pins and stuff.
This is a sweet young thing at the Franklin Mint exhibit with whom I viewed the amazingly exact model of "Captain America," the bike from the movie Easy Rider. You will probably remember this picture of me on that bike:

This is a picture of us at Coopers:

Seen here are Lizzard and Meg, Lumpy (not yet a Poet), Odin and I. Conspicously absent was Peddlar, who didn't want to be photographed with us.

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