Quota International - Cupertino

P.O. Box 2957
Cupertino, California 95015-2957

Chartered in May 1985
Current Membership: 28

A member of Quota International, in the 12th District of the West Area .

Barbara Rogers
1st Vice President Membership
Brenda Dahm
2nd Vice President Program
Lauralee Sorensen
Erica Mayer
Corresponding Secretary
Peggy Raun-Linde
Recording Secretary
Gail Jensen
Past President
Barbara Nunes
Barbara Lacerenza, Barbara Nunes, Azi Pillow, Pat Rogers, Mary-Ann Wallace

Quota International of Cupertino, California is a community service organization dedicated to serving the deaf, hard-of-hearing and speech impaired as well as disadvantaged women and children. Meetings are open to members and their guests.

What is a Quota Club?

Quota International, Inc. is made up of individual clubs established as an avenue for caring women and men to serve their communities, especially in the area of hearing impairment and also to help and support disadvantaged women and children.

Businesswoman Wanda Frey Joiner founded Quota International, Inc. in Buffalo, New York in 1919. Today, hundreds of Quota clubs exist in 14 countries with world headquarters located in Washington, D.C. We interact with all three levels of Quota International, International, West Area and 12th District, in an effort to improve our service to our communities and to enrich our lives.

We are proud that 12th District Governor Judy Burrill is a Cupertino Quotarian and who was just elected to a 2nd term at 12th District Conference in Carmel on Oct. 19, 2002. We are also very proud of Cupertino Quotarian Nicol Lea who was the first member from our Club to serve as West Area Director and who was elected Quota International Treasurer at Convention in Pittsburgh in July, 2002 and is now the President Elect of Quota International for 2004-2005. The QI convention will be in Canada in July and Nicol will be installed in what promises to be a night to remember.

Why Join Quota?

Most of our members join our club because of the opportunity we offer to help others. They stay with us because they like the camaraderie they develop with others who share their values and the satisfaction they derive from helping others.

Our major fundraiser is our annual "Poinsettia Project," where we sell hundreds of poinsettia plants brought in from a nursery where they are raised. We also derive some funds from our annual "Salute to Staff" luncheon in April on the day following Secretary's Day.

Recipients of Grant Awards in 2002:

For membership information,please contact Barbara Rogers, President


Luncheon meetings are noon to 1pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at
The Blue Pheasant Restaurant
22100 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA
(between Highway 85 and Foothill Blvd.)
phone (408) 255-3300
Advanced reservation requested
contact Barbara Rogers,(408) 252-8568 or by email
No meetings in July