An Introduction to Christianity

This is what ALPHA is all about.
I have borrowed information about the Alpha course from the books available from Alpha and am using the Alpha logo with the permission of Alpha.

Alpha logo
opportunity to learn

This course runs for 11 weeks and covers the following topics:
red dot Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant?
blue dot Who is Jesus?
yello dot Why did Jesus die?
red dot How can I be sure of My Faith?
blue dot Why and How Should I Read the Bible? br> yellow dotWhy and How Do I Pray?
red dotHow does God Guide Us?
blue dot A weekend with - Who is the Holy Spirit? How Can I be Filled with the Holy Spirit? and What does the Holy Spirit Do?
yellow dot How Can I Resist Evil?
red dot Why and How Should We tell Others?
blue dot Does God Heal Today?
yellow dot What About the Church?

fish and cross

Alpha is for everyone! There are even courses for young people. It's expecially geared to:

People interested in investigating Christianity

Newcomers to the church

New Christians

Couples preparing for marriage

Christians who want to brush up on the basics

Christians who may want to have a closer relationship with God