Meet Taylor the Military Macaw!

Hi! My name is Taylor Moon, and I'm a two year old female military macaw. My hatchday was September 12, 1997. I've lived with my parents since May 31, 1998, and it's been great because I LOVE being with my daddy! He pays a lot of attention to me and scratches all the places I can't reach! I love my mama too. All I have to do is scream, and she comes running! I used to think she might drop me when she'd pick me up, because I'm such a big girl, but my mama is strong and she's used to being bitten and scratched. She doesn't put up with anything! I like to go exploring whenever I'm doing a walkabout 'round the house. I'm pretty good at climbing and throwing things around too. My parents even take me outside for some fresh air and sunshine when it's nice.

My mama takes good care of me, my older brother Gumbo and my younger puppy brother Ty (oh, and our daddy, too). She stays at home to play with us, make our food, clean our cages and buy/make me toys to chew up and tear apart. I'm learning new words all the time. My daddy can't understand me, but my mama does. We talk all the time together! I can say: "Hey!," "Hi!," "Hello!," "What are you doing?," "I don't know," "Nothing!," "Grandma," "Grandpa," "Mama," "Apple," "Owww!," "OK," "Yeah baby," "Uh-huh," "Oh yeah," "No,Ty!" "Whatever," "Ohhh nooo" and "Hurry up!" I can also scream like a girl (well, 'cause I am one!) and say my name and my daddy's name. Mama says I'm so smart!

I like to scream sometimes, just to liven things up. Usually in the car on the way to/from Grandma's house, I'll scream out loud because I hate sitting in my little travel cage for 2 hours. At Grandpa's house, I get to sit out on the porch and look at the pool and the bay. He likes to call me Godzilla because I'm big and green and loud! I also like to bother his doggie, Brandy. She's always trying to eat my food, so I snap at her sometimes. I also throw some food to her because she's always hungry. Anyway, Brandy knows better than to mess with me or my brother. We usually set her straight. Now I have to worry about my puppy brother Ty. He's always trying to eat my and Gumbo's food! What a piglet!

I'm hanging out with my crazy uncle Reg!

I've been learning some new tricks and words. Mama has taught me to say "Hi!" while shaking hands or waving my foot in the air. Cool, huh? I'm also feeling more comfortable around visitors. I used to just stare at them and not say anything, but now I'm just a regular ham! I like males more than females, so I like to climb up their legs to get to know them a little better. My mama's been after me to clip my wingies, because they're starting to grow back. I love taking showers, don't you?

Taylor poses after her daily shower.

My favorite foods are bread, nuts, little pieces of steak/pork/chicken, grapes, watermelon, cheese, pasta and rice. I'm pretty picky about what I like, so I throw the food I don't like out of my cage. I like making messes for my mama to clean up. They think I'm a bad girl, because I like to climb up on top of the armoire (the thing that holds the TV) next to my cage and I also climb down my cage to walk over to the kitchen table so that I can chew on the chairs. The wooden furniture that I'm not supposed to chew tastes much better than the wooden toys that I am allowed to chew. Plus I like being naughty just to rile Mama up! Tee hee hee! Whenever she's about to put me in my cage for a timeout, I say "Hi!" in my sweetest little girl voice, because she might fall for my being cute. Usually not though, but it's worth a try.

HI! What're you doing?

Other things I do to annoy my mama are chewing on her shower curtain and the plastic curtain rings, yelling really loudly when I'm right next to her, refusing to eat the food she puts in my bowls, not taking a nap when she wants me to, following her around the house (including up the stairs) and trying to bite my brothers Gumbo and Tiberius. It's not my fault they're too dumb to move out of the way! In case you can't tell, I'm a founding member of the Macaw Brat Pack on The Macaw Connection. We macaws get together and share our bratty experiences which happen when our parents don't understand us. We're always happy to have new members and visitors!

Check out these other pages!

Home Page Gumbo's Page Mom's Page

Cockatiels' Page Isabella's Page Ty's Page

This was my first day at home from the bird fair!

© 1998LDF

This page was last updated on September 14, 1999.

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