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                                     Personal Details

Name: Aarti (I would prefer to be called as Chinni) (Notice the Change in the spelling)

DOB : 9th may 1997

School: Marist Brothers International School, Kobe, Japan

Educational qualifications: I am expert in Internet now. Downl?ading Movies, Searching for information is just  a click away for  me.

Likes   : Playing with my sister. Cartoon network too.

Dislikes : To hear "NO" that word is not yet a part of my vocabulary

Favourite person: My father (When he is not logged onto internet or watching cricket on TV, other wise my mother]

Best Gift received from my Dad
:  My Sister,  Of course.

Hobbies: Internet, Internet & Internet.

Newly Acquired Skills : I have learnt riding a Bicycle in August 2004
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My Earlier school