Our Beloved Keith click to hear the song: City of Angels City of Angels
By Kristin Banks (Free player setup)

I'm drawn to you and love's allure
It feels so safe, sacred and pure
But it's so hard to be sure
When you've been down that road before
And you walk along this tired beat
My new found love laid at your feet
But mixed in is the taste of love's defeat
Which makes our reunion bittersweet

And we must find a way to lay
These demons down
To silence all the voices that speak
Without a sound
So we can fly, to the city of angels, baby
Swim to the river of dreams
Gather all our hopes, cast away, all our fears
Surrender to what love really means
And live still believing in dreams

Now in your arms, I am so free
I feel this is my heart's destiny
But just when we think it's safe
The past comes creepin' up on today

(Repeat Chorus)
And I know you and I can make it through
We can cross to the other side
We'll leave the past where it really belongs
And begin to heal our wounded pride




"Our Slugger"

If we could have a lifetime wish
A dream that would come true,
We'd pray to God with all our hearts
For yesterday and You.
A thousand words can't bring you back
We know because we've tried...
Neither will a thousand tears
We know because we've cried...
You left behind our broken hearts,
And happy memories too...
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted You.

[Author Unknown]


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