I want to take this opportunity to tell you of some exciting news.
In 1999 several Hudnall family members got together and formed the
Hudnall Family Association (HFA) completing an effort started over a year
before. We have elected officers and have drafted and approved a set of
by-laws. The HFA is open to all Hudnall families, Hudnall researchers and
The yearly dues are now set
at $20 per year per family.
Now, what does this membership entitle you? You will receive free of charge a membership certificate
suitable for framing and hanging proudly on your wall.
four (4) quarterly newsletters chock full of family histories, pictures,
stories and queries of all facets of Hudnall families and lives. You will
also be entitled to run for office, if you so desire (and I hope you will
become actively involved). You will also receive a new member packet with
the current by-laws, a members list, information on our internet web based
HFA site, information on our weekly internet relay chat (IRC) get together
and other helpful information. We also have a historian who will gather
information on the Hudnall families worldwide and be available to help you
with queries and resources in your quest to trace your Hudnall genealogy.
We also maintain a Hudnall Internet mailing list (Hudnall-L@rootsweb.com)
which you can use to post queries and meet other Hudnall researchers.
I hope you will take this opportunity to fill out an application to join the
Hudnall Family Association and send your dues to Faye Dyess, our
Secretary/Treasurer, soon.
If you have any question or comments about the HFA, please feel free to
contact one of the officers listed below.
Roger H. Johnston
President, Hudnall Family Association, 1999-2000
Current Officers for the Hudnall Family Association for the year 1999-2000
4805A Dentcrest Dr.
Midland, Tx 79707-5247
Vice President
Shelly Hudnall
2809 N. Washington Ave
Odessa, Tx 79764-7347
Faye L. Dyess
18 South Nicholson Circle
Savannah, Ga 31419-2851
Historian/Newsletter Editor
Harold Hudnall
1309 Strickland Drive
Austin, Tx 78748
-------(please detach here)------
Membership Application
Hudnall Family Association
Dues are $20 per family per year.
Maiden Name_________________________
Zip Code____________________________
Wife/husbands name________________________
Children(s) name(s)
Name exactly as you want it to appear on membership certificate.
________________________________________ (Please Print Plainly) Would you be willing to take an active role and help on a committee? Yes No
Please give a brief lineage of your direct Hudnall line
Please send this form and your check or money order payable to the: Hudnall Family Association to: