Judy's Genealogy Page

Hi, I'm Judy Smith! Welcome to my place! My great past-time is genealogy, both my own and others. I enjoy corresponding with those who are working to get their family trees together.   

The Windows Into Our Past series consists of five volumes this point.  I have a sneaky suspicion that there will eventually be more, but for now they are:  

Volumes 2-4, each have a section that contains updates from the previous version.  It seems that when I think I have come to some sort of stopping point, that a fresh batch of correspondence will arrive to start things up again.  It's a vicious cycle. But a truly helpful one to those doing genealogical research. The more information that is out there and available the better.

Due to space limitations I have removed all previous files from this site and have replaced them with several searchable files.  They are in Acrobat (PDF) format.  To view the Acrobat files click on the name of the document that you wish to view.  To view the Acrobat files you will need to have the free  Acrobat Reader installed.

I also have discontinued offering bound versions, however, all volumes are available on CD. 



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If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop me a line. � 1997-2003 Judy Smith