Why Dogs Is Better'n Wimmen

They's a bunch of reasons why dogs is better'n wimmen floatin' around the net.
This is the Tales Gang's thoughts on the matter.

Taking them out to dinner consists of letting them eat that road kill they found without having to email it to Augie for processing into Jerky.
When, for some inexplicable reason, they take exception to that new tractor you brought home, they bark at IT, not YOU!
Instead of giving you a hard time about all those clothes that missed the hamper, they drag them into a pile, curl up on them, and go to sleep.
They have an attention span shorter than the average Super Bowl commercial break. If you make 'em mad, they've forgotten about it before you have.
They like cold pizza and warm beer too.
When they ride in the truck with you, they don't yell at you for switching lanes while looking at the neighbor's place.
They don't mind if you break wind, no matter how loud. Not that I would ever do that
Dogs don't care if you hawk a loogie or blow your nose on the ground. In fact, they'll even lick it up so's you don't step in it later.
Dogs are much friendlier. They will lick you anyplace at anytime.
Better pet him furst...
Dogs don't mind you stoppin beside the road and takin a p!$$ when riding in the country.. Heck they don't even mind if you do it in town.
Matter a' fact, they'll generally join ya!
Dogs don't get mad when ya ask 'em ta go coon huntin'.
Dogs don't care if'n ya leaves the toilet seat up.
Dogs don't like cats.
If'n ya locks the dog outta the house it'll bark fer five minutes, then shut up and go to sleep by the door.
Dogs like ta git in the truck and ride fer three hours to go look at a old tractor.
Their idea of high-fashion jewelry is a new rabies tag every coupla years.
Dogs don't care if'n ya leaves yer spit cup on the coffee table.
Dogs is grateful to get yer two week old leftovers fer dinner.

Did I miss one? Tell me about it!

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