Hi and welcome to my homepage! This page is about myself, my family, pets and home. Please explore all my pages and make yourself at home! Please make sure you sign my guestbook, so that I know you have been here! Thanks!
I have made separate pages for each of my kids, my husband and even separate ones for the pets. So you can meet them by reading their pages :) Also, on their pages, I have included their personal webpages that they made themselves, so you can visit them. :-)
I love that saying! It is so true! What do you think? Tell me by dropping an email in my mailbox, I would love to hear from you!
There is another heart-warming sign! That one is true too! :)
Click on the mailbox and write me an email.
My Page

Dennis' Page

Denise's Page

Dana's Page

Cats Page

Dog's Page

Our Home

Email Me

My Awards

My Webrings page 1

My Webrings page 2

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since July 10, 1999
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