Greg's Homestead on the Web

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Most personal web pages are self-serving, narcisistic creations and this one is no exception. It also gives me a chance to play around with the technology and programing used in creating web pages and just have some fun.

I enjoy cooking and here are some of my favorite recipes. A lot of these are recipes that people have asked copies of and this makes an easy way to distribute them.

There is information here on the Chamberlin genealogy. Goes back to 1638 in the New World,

There is also the usual collection of favorite links to other sites.

My PGP Public Key is located here.

Comments are always welcome. Please sign the guest book...

Food | Family | Links

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The way web browsing was meant to be

Site created and maintained by Greg Chamberlin, Edmond, Oklahoma USA

URL for this Web Site:

Site created March 01, 2002

Previously modified on August 16,2002

Last modified on January 31, 2008 to keep the thing alive