Cooper Kookaburra
Cooper is an
Australian Cattle Dog.
ACD Facts:
Cattle Dogs are NOT Australian Shephards.
The Breed was developed over the last 150 years in Australia using the Dingo and European dogs.
They are highly intelligent, protective dogs, that can do herding, agility, and flyball as well as obedience, and search and rescue.
Image provided by Diane at
More about Cooper:
They come in 2 colors: Blue and Red, and are supposed to have their tails.  They range in size from 18" - 22" tall.
Cooper lives in Stafford, Virginia with his humans, Steve and Ilesha Wood.  He has two kids, Kerri and Steve, and five cats, Missy, Mocha, Thomas and Callie and a little brother, Kody, to play with.  Click here to see his family.  Or here to see his cats.
They are very active and have natural herding instincts.  For more information on ACDs, go to
New Updates: 04/26/2002
Sorry this site is so out dated, we are currently working on an all new site. 
Neat Links:
Our New House
- Pictures from Cow Camp.
-Bleu.  In Memory of... Our Foster and Adopted Dogs
- See the puppies we have placed.  Check out our Adopted page. Other Cooper Pictures
Cooper's Friends
- We have adopted Kody. (Everyone knew we would).  Click on this picture to see more of him:
Email Cooper!
We Adopted out all our Pennsylvania puppies!!  Click here to see some pictures and email us if you want more information on ACD rescue adoptions.
Kody 3-22-00
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