Mike    The McMackins
May/June will find us packing for the third time in as many years. We are however moving into a home of our own which we are all looking forward to.
The new house in New Hope, Virginia of course New Hope isn't on the maps so you would need to find Verona, wait that might not be on the map either, look for Staunton we're not to far from there.  We should be moving in around June 24th-25th. The land is a little less then I wanted but still has plenty of room for fruit trees, vegetable garden, swimming pool, and the kids. The yard also has a good tree for the tree house I've been promising them. The house is incredible and should keep us all comfortable for a long time to come.
Believe it or not even these three want out of Florida. We usually have to force them to the beach, though once there they love it.