The Orme Ranch is a private school in Dewey..and they have a large angora herd.. This is also where
AngelFace and Sugar came from a year before I got the girls.. My four girls here were as wild as March
hares.. catching them was a trick.. *LOL* It took Shirley and I 2 days to get 4 goats from the large
pasture..I'm glad we did.. they are pure pleasures to be around!
The four girls in the back...just a week after they came here
This is Chiquita, just 10 months old..
Chiquita at 2 years old, 1998
Here is Chiquita and her baby girl of this year..silver pygora
Chiquita & Precious..her babygirl from last year
This is my Gypsy girl and her son of this year, 1998.. Alladin.. It took me literally 3 and a half
hours to get this boy out of his mama.. we lost his twin brother.. She did a good job recovering!
Peaches is one of my shy girls.. but she is a sweetie.. This is her baby girl from this year 1998..
her son Darnell was born last year
Matt heard a cry from the top of the goatyard at midnight... he went out to see what was wrong and
thought Peaches was stuck under the stancheon.. with the flashlight discovered her giving birth to her
first child.. Darnell means 'from the hidden place'
Peaches and her daughters of this year...Just born!
This is what all 4 girls looked like when I brought them home...Horehound burrs EVERYwhere.. I got
them sheared the following day.. what a mess!! but what a face! *S*
Melody undoubtedly has the sweetest voice of all my goats.. (that's how she got her name)
This is Melody today..July 1998.. with one of her twin pygora sons Check that color out!.. Beautiful
Melody is a pure white Angora.. with recessive color.. Last year her only child was Harmony, a Pygora
girl ..brown and white.. This year she produced 2 cocoa-mauve Pygora boys..all sired by Flower..who
is black and white.. Interesting that she throws brown..she and Harmony are the only 2 that do..
This is Melody's daughter from last year.. she has striking markings.. like her do
her babies!
Harmony's son... lounging without a care in the world
Hamony's babies of today 1998