Garden Pond Construction- No Frills




In keeping with my thrifty

side, I am experimenting

with a small submersible

pond /fountain pump that is jpujpjpjjpj0-pjpjpjpjpjphjpfjpfjyphjfpujhpfjpfj

suitable for aquariums,and

fountains.Its output is listed at

140Gal/Hr. I will be making a

DIY.filter from a pair of pond planting

baskets,and PVC tubing I had laying around.

PPond June 2003llll




Pond 8/30/2003










total cost



60 Gal PVC Preform kidney shaped pond - Home Depot $36.00

140 Gph submersible pump -Local Nursery$39.99

filter pads 3 ea. -Local Nursery$4.99

plant baskets Local Nursery (2) @$4.99$9.98

waterplant ( )Local Nursery$13.99

waterplant ( )Local Nursery$13.99

waterplant (Pointedfria Cordata )- Home Depot $6.99

waterplant (Typha minima ) - Home Depot $6.99

waterplant (Parrot Feather) - Pet Shop $2.99